Holderness Coast

  • Created by: Ella
  • Created on: 27-05-13 10:12

Holderness Coast


  • There is a soft bolder clay that is easily worn away.
  • It is the fastest eroding cliffs in Europe.
  • There are settlements that are at danger- one campsite is using 10 sites per year.
  • There have been some hard engineering techniques but it is making it worse down the beach.
  • More than 30 vilages have disappeared since Roman times.
  • It has been made worse by interfereing with Longshore drift.
  • Destructive waves are basing the sides and eroding the cliffs.


  • Hard engineering has occured.
  • Hornsea protected since 1900 with a sea wall and groins. It is well protected.
  • Mappleton in 1990 spent nearly £2 million on rock groins to protect the settlement and main road.
  • Erosion has speeded up south of Mappleton due to sediment starvation (sediment moving away due to longshore drift but not being replaced).
  • This means that the hard engineering is not very sustainable.
  • The council do not want to pay for protection south on Mappleton as it would be too expensive and the council do not and the council do not see anything worth saving.
  • Residents of Withersea and and Easington have been complaining and demanding for protection as well- council refusing due to costs.

Overall summary

The coast needs to be protected but the hard engineering has only worsened the situation down the coast.




soooo helpful for my homework ❤❤❤