Coastal landscapes and change key terms

Littoral zone
The wider coastal zone including adjacent land areas and shallow parts of the sea just offshore.
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Coastal accretion
The deposition of sediment at the coast resulting in the seaward growth of the coastline, creating new land.
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Dynamic equilibrium
The balanced state of a system when inputs and outputs are balanced over time
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Where sediment comes from - e.g. beach replenishment, erosion, rivers
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Where sediment is deposited - e.g. beaches, spits, deltas, etc.
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Sediment cells
Areas along the coastline where the movement of material is largely self-contained.
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Concordant coastline
Rock strata runs parallel to the coastline
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Discordant coastline
Different rock strata intersect the coast at an angle - geology varies along the coastline
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Cliff profile
The height and angle of a cliff as well as its features - e.g. wavecut notches or change in slope angle.
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Beach morphology
The shape of a beach - includes beach profile, landforms and sediment type.
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The physical properties of a rock such as its resistance to erosion
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Mass movement
The downslope movement of rock and soil - including landslides, rockfall and rotational slide.
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Isostatic change
A local rise or fall in land level. (Local Land)
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Eustatic change
A global rise or fall in sea level caused by a change in the volume of water (World Water)
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Post-glacial re-adjustment/rebound
The uplift experienced by land following the removal of the weight of ice sheets
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Submergent coastline
Coasts that have been flooded because of a relative rise in sea level at that location.
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Emergent coastline
An emergent coastline is a stretch along the coast that has been exposed by the sea by a relative fall in sea level.
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Policies which are designed to delay, reduce or prevent climate change caused by global warming.
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Policies which are designed to reduce existing impact of global warming.
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Environmental Refugees
Communities/people forced to abandon their homes due to natural processes - e.g. flooding, landslides, etc.
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A very expensive (>$1 billion), technically difficult and usuallly long-term engineering project. Often have multiple aims and large environmental impacts
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Soft engineering
Defence techniques that work with the environment to reduce the impact of erosion and/or flooding.
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Hard engineering
Defence techniques used to contol the environment. They are expensive to install and maintain and can have impacts further down the coast.
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Sustainable coastal management
Managing the wider coastal zone in terms of people and their economic livelihoods, social and cultural well-being, and safety from coastal hazards, as well as minimising environmental and ecological impacts.
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Intergrated coastal zone management (ICZM)
The management of the coast using an integrated approach, regarding all aspects of the coastal zone, including geographical and political boundaries, in an attempt to achieve sustainability.
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Shoreline management plans (SMP)
A Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is a large-scale report, assessing the risks associated with coastal processes. It aims to help reduce these risks to people, property and the historic and natural environment.
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Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
Technique designed to determine the feasibility of a project or plan by quantifying costs and benefits.
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Environmental impact survey (EIA)
A process aiming to identify the short and long-term impacts of a defence.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The deposition of sediment at the coast resulting in the seaward growth of the coastline, creating new land.


Coastal accretion

Card 3


The balanced state of a system when inputs and outputs are balanced over time


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Where sediment comes from - e.g. beach replenishment, erosion, rivers


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Where sediment is deposited - e.g. beaches, spits, deltas, etc.


Preview of the back of card 5
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