CNS stimulants


1. despite LISDEXAMPHETAMINE being a good solution, Methylphenidate is the first line of defence. it Inhibits transporters for both noradrenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA)
Increase in synaptic levels of NA and DA
thought to contribute to its efficacy in ADHD, w

  • Temporal Lobe
  • Prefrontal cortex
  • Parietal Lobe
  • Frontal Lobe
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. Histamine signals via 3 different histamine receptors, two are located postynaptically inducing excitation, and the other presynaptically limiting H release? which is the latter pre

  • H3
  • H2
  • H1

3. Psilocybin is metabolised in the body to psilocin
Psilocin structural similarity to serotonin and is an agonist at WHAT receptors.

  • 5-HT2A
  • 5-HT1A
  • 5-HT3A

4. Pitolisant is a drug used to treat Narcolepsy with or without cataplexy, working on the brain's histamine system. WHAT is the sole source of histamine in the brain?

  • parietal lobe
  • PFC
  • The Tuberomammillary Nucleus (TMN)
  • temporal lobe

5. where does Dextroamphetamine (and amphetamine) enter to cause the causing release of NA and DA towards the synapse. Inhibiting the enzyme MOA, preventing the breakdown of NA and DA, further enhancing their release

  • postsynaptic diamine vesicle
  • presynaptic diamine vesicle
  • presynaptic monoamine vesicle
  • postsynaptic monoamine vesicle


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