Autonomic nervous system

Autonomic nervous system


Functions of ANS

maintains basal activity

responds to changes in the organs

monitors level of activity

coordinates functions of internal organs

controls supply of nutrients

removal of waste

blood distribution

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Autonomic reflexes

ensure constant monitoring and control of the interna viscera

sensory receptor activated by changes in the environment

informs CNS vis sensory nerves

dual innervation of ANS

Parasymapthetic and Sympathetic

Pregangliconic and postganglic differ in origin motor responses, properties, location.

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Differences between the 2 motor limbs

NEUROTRANSMITTER = Acetylcholeic stimulates nicotonic receptors in both nerves

the difference in the motor limbs is the neurotransmitter

Sympathetic = noadrenaline

Parasympathetic = Acetylecholine

They activate different protein receptors.

Noadrenalines adrenoreceptor is Acetylcholine = Musannic receptor.

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A1- smooth muscle contraction

A2 - adrenegic nerve endings

B1- cardiac muscle - increases rate

B2 - smooth muscle relaxes airways

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Muscarnic receptors

M1- Parietal cells - stomach acid secretion

M2 - cardiac muscles - reduction heart rate

M3 - smooth muscle - secretion and smooth muscle contraction.

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Interneuronic in the CNS also integrate sensory info

Both motor nerves provide the dual ineration in tissues

Essential to regulation of effector.

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