Classification and diagnosis of OCD psychologists

Psychology studies

  • Created by: Alison
  • Created on: 14-05-10 16:28
Assessment is sometimes based on informal/ unstructured interviews which presents problems for validity and reliability
Hopko et al (2004)
1 of 9
OCD occurs with other anxiety disorders such as social phobias, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder
Kesler (2005)
2 of 9
Structured clinical interviews are a reliable form of measurement
Comer (2001)
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Interviews based on DSM- high inter-rater reliability
Brown et al (2001)
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Sufferers may be reluctant to handle a questionnaire in case it carries contamination
Anthony and Barlow (2004)
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Most experienced clinicians can distinguish between worries and obsessions
Brown et al (2003)
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Most obsessions fall into five categories: dirt, aggression, order, sex, religion. Cleaning and checking are most common
Akharet et al (1975)
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Cross cultural similarities, more aggression in Brazil and religion in the middle east. Focus may be realtive
Fontenelle et al (2004)
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Many patients suffer from one or more anxiety disorders
Steketee (1990)
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Card 2


OCD occurs with other anxiety disorders such as social phobias, panic disorder, generalised anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder


Kesler (2005)

Card 3


Structured clinical interviews are a reliable form of measurement


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Card 4


Interviews based on DSM- high inter-rater reliability


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Card 5


Sufferers may be reluctant to handle a questionnaire in case it carries contamination


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