
  • Created by: grace122
  • Created on: 25-04-17 15:49
Why must you be careful with sources regarding Sparta
They are Athenian or influenced by an Athenian
1 of 7
Why was Corinth angry at Sparta
Sparta didnt do much about Athens trying to take over its colonys
2 of 7
Why must we be careful when dealing with Xenonphon
He was Athenian and was exiled, Sparta had given him land and security so he would've been indepted to Sparta therefore being biassed, he was an aristocrat and favoured the Spartan goverment which was less chaotic than that of Athens
3 of 7
Why must we be careful when looking at Thucydides
He was a commander of an Athenian army that lost to a Spartan army and was exiled so he could be biased
4 of 7
Why should we be careful when looking at Aristophanes and Lysistrata
It was a comedy and written to win a prize, the play was supposed to be ridiculous so that it was funny so some points may have been exaggerated, although for the points to be made it must have been accepted as the view of Spartans
5 of 7
Why shuld we be careful with foriegn views on Sparta
The views were shaped by the mirage the Spartans spread, writers mixed their own observations with Spartas propaganda and developed the steriotypes of the Spartan mirage by
6 of 7
What are the two main views of Sparta
People were amazed and respected them or they were different, alien
7 of 7

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Card 2


Why was Corinth angry at Sparta


Sparta didnt do much about Athens trying to take over its colonys

Card 3


Why must we be careful when dealing with Xenonphon


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Card 4


Why must we be careful when looking at Thucydides


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Card 5


Why should we be careful when looking at Aristophanes and Lysistrata


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