
  • Created by: grace122
  • Created on: 06-04-17 12:34
Who were the Gerousia
The Spartan council of elders
1 of 9
Who could be a member of the Gerousa
Spartiate over the age of 60
2 of 9
What powers did the Gerousia have
Judical, could send people into exile or sentence them to death
3 of 9
How many members of the Gerousia were there
4 of 9
What couldn't the Assembly do
Debate, Initiate proposals
5 of 9
Who oversaw the meetings of the Assembly
The kings and the Ephors
6 of 9
Who swore an oath with the Ephors every month
The kings saying they would obey the laws of the Ephors on behalf of Sparta and in return the Ephors would obey the kings authority
7 of 9
Whose meetings did the Ephors oversee
The Assembly and Gerousa
8 of 9
Who could the Ephors declare war on
9 of 9

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Card 2


Who could be a member of the Gerousa


Spartiate over the age of 60

Card 3


What powers did the Gerousia have


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many members of the Gerousia were there


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What couldn't the Assembly do


Preview of the front of card 5
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