Christianity: beliefs and teachings

what are the three main denominations in Christianity?
Catholic: Based in Rome, Orthodox: Split from Catholic church in 1054CE and is practiced in Eastern Europe, Protestant: Split from the Catholic church and branched out into different denominations. e.g. Methodist, Baptist
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what kind of religion is Christianity known as?
Christianity is monotheistic religion meaning that Christians only believe in one God.
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what do Christians believe God is?
Christians belief that God is the creator and susutainer of all that exists and people are inspired to do God's will.
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does God have a gender?
People can have a relationship with God through prayer and he is a spirit and therefore does not have a gender but characteristics from both.
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what are the qualities of God?
God is omnipotent,omnibenevolent,just, Omniscience and omnipresence.
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how does God show his benevolence?
God uses his power to do good and shows his love by caring for the humans that he has created by sending his only son Jesus to the earth.
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how is God fair?
God is a fair judge of humankind and will never support injustice, ill-treatment, prejudice or oppression.
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how does God uses his power?
God uses his power to create everything good in the world.
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what are the problems with evil and suffering?
If God is benevolent then why does he allow people to suffer and hurt others. If God is omnipotent then why does he not prevent evil and suffering such as natural disasters. If God is just then why does he allow injustice to take place.
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what is the solution to the problem of evil and suffering?
Christians believe a just God treats people fairly so they trust him even when things seem to be going wrong.
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what is God testing?
Experiencing bad things could be a test of faith.
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what did God give humans?
God gave humans free will so he can't intervene with human suffering.
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what is suffering a part of?
suffering is a part of God's plan.
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what do Christians think they need?
Humans need evil to appreciate good. According to many Christians, balance is essential.
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what is the trinity?
it is the belief that God is 3 persons in one.
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who are the three persons of the trinity?
God the father,God the son and God the holy spirit.
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what is one common trait the 3 people in the trinity have?
they are all fully God.
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are the 3 people of the trinity the same?
no they are not.
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what are the traits of God the father?
God the father is the creator of the world and good father to his child. he is also benevolent,all knowing and all powerful.
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what are the traits of the son of God?
the son is fully god and fully human,he is the savior of human sin and he also understands human suffering.
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what is the son of God known as on Earth?
He is known as Jesus Christ on Earth.
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what are the traits of the holy spirit?
God the holy spirit: the unseen power of God at work in the world, who influences, guides and sustains life on Earth. Also a part of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
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who was active during the creation?
the trinity was active during the creation
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what story of the bible would you find the creation story?
you would it in the genesis story.
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what do Christians think about the creation story?
some Christians think the story is symbolic and others think that God made the world in six days.
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what do Christians think God made?
God created the world and everything Good on it.
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who is the word?
the son of God(Jesus Christ)
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what is incarnation?
the idea that God is embodied in human form.
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what person of the trinity was incarnated?
the son of God.
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who was Jesus' mother?
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how was Jesus conceived?
Jesus was conceived in Mary through the holy spirit.
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what does the virgin birth indicate?
that Jesus is really the son of God which supports the belief of the trinity.
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what do Christians believe that Jesus was?
they believe that Jesus is a spiritual messiah and a holy leader.
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what did the Jews think about Jesus?
they knew that a messiah was coming down to Earth but did not believe that Jesus was that person.
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what was Jesus role on Earth?
was spread the christian faith and to save humans from sin
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who crucified Jesus?
Pontius Pilate (a roman governor).
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why was Jesus Christ crucified?
because he was claiming to be God .
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did Jesus suffer during the crucifixion and why?
yes he did because he is also fully human.
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why is the crucifixion important?
it shows that God is all loving and it shows that God understands human suffering.
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what is the resurrection?
the when Jesus rose from the dead.
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when did Jesus die?
Jesus died on good Friday.
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Who had their faith tested?
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Why did God send Jesus to die on the cross?
To take on the sins of humanity so that salvation could be achieved by all
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What did St Paul describe Jesus as having?
St Paul described Jesus as having equality with God.
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Why did St. Patrick compare the Trinity to a shamrock?
the shamrock has three clear parts to it but it is still one leaf.
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What is the name of the group of Christians who accept all biblical accounts of creation as true and believe that the world is about 10,000 years old?
young Earth creationsts
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The Gospel of John includes the sentence: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God'. What is 'Word' thought to refer to?
god the son
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how does the belief in the afterlife encourage Christians to do?
Belief in the afterlife encourages Christians to live a good life and having a relationship with God in the hope of going to Heaven.
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What is the name given to the analysis of a Christians life by God that determines whether they get in to Heaven or go to Hell?
Last Judgement
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what is heaven?
Where God lives and a place of eternal happiness.
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what is hell?
Where the devil lives and a place of eternal punishment.
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Why does the Christian belief in the afterlife make believing God as all-loving difficult for some?
hell is a place of unending punishment.
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In Mark 1:10-11, the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus in the form of which animal?
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If God the Father is the father of Jesus, what is Joseph looked upon as?
Jesus' Earthly foster father
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Jesus’ death is important because, as the Son of God, his innocent death was able to take away people’s sins. What is this known as?
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What did the Jewish council convict Jesus of?
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Christians believe that only God has the power to rise from the dead. What does this mean Jesus' resurrection confirms?
that is Jesus is divine.
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What is the word used by Christians to describe actions that are contrary to the will of God?
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Who committed the first ever human sin, according to the bible?
Adam and Eve
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Why is sin seen as a more important act of disobedience than disobeying parents or breaking the law?
because the laws being disobeyed were made by God
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All Christians believe that humans who sin can never go to Heaven. True or false?
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What do Christians hope will happen when they die?
God will sent them to heaven.
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What are the 3 ways to achieve salvation according to Christian writings?
Law,Grace and Spirit
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What was the gift given by God when Jesus died for their sins?
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what are the three main theories of Christ's role in salvation?
The Ransom theory. The Substitution theory. The Moral Transformation theory.
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what is the ransom theory?
Based on the idea that the devil had power over people because of their sins. They had become prisoners of sin. Because Jesus was sinless, his death was able to give his life as a ransom for the souls of every human being.
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what is the
Based on the idea that people who have sinned deserve to be punished: Penal substitution is when someone takes the punishment on behalf of someone else.
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what is the
Places emphasis on the life and teaching of Jesus: If Christians follow Jesus’ example and obey his teachings, their lives are transformed and so they can become good people in the sight of God.
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The Substitution theory of Christ's role in salvation is based on the idea that people who have sinned deserve to be punished. Who holds this view
many protestant Christians
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what kind of religion is Christianity known as?


Christianity is monotheistic religion meaning that Christians only believe in one God.

Card 3


what do Christians believe God is?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


does God have a gender?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the qualities of God?


Preview of the front of card 5
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