Christian Beliefs(Worship and Life After Death)

what is the difference between lit. and non-lit. worship
l= greater focus on God and awareness of Christian heritage
nl= worship comes from feelings and connects worship to the world of today
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what are the sacraments
baptism, reconciliation, holy communion, confirmation, the anointing of the sick, holy orders and marriage
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what is the difference between contrition, supplication and intercession
c= humbled by our sins, seeking God
s= plead humbly, call for help
i= praying on behalf of others and ourselves
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what are the roles of the local church
special services, family support, learn more about God, ecumenism
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the worldwide church
God created ppl to be stewards of the earth, love thy neighbour
all humans equal in the eyes of God
St Paul taught= love= greatest spiritual gift
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what is the purpose of Christian Aid
promote fair trade products, work on equality around the world, especially to end poverty worldwide

follow in J's footsteps, uphold his teachings and people will be judged by God etc.
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what is the Great Commission, missionary work and evangelism

g= J's last command for disciples to convert world
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"
m= charitable deeds done in the name of Christianity
e= actively trying to convert others to Christianity
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what is the importance
conservatives= access to Heaven, spread J's teachings
liberal= disrespectful and can show faith in everyday life/other ways
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what is the importance of pilgrimages
closer to God, some hope to be cured (Lourdes), some cured, others gained greater inner strength to cope with illness and other problems in life
J went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem every year
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importance of Jerusalem
cenacle (Last Supper took place)
Dolorosa (J walked on this road to be crucified)
Church of the Holy Sepulctre (where J was crucified and tomb)

sig=made pilgrimage with parents, couldn't find him= in temple listening to teachers= look for opportunities t
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importance of Iona
social justice

sig= place of silence(focus on God with no distractions)
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importance of Taizé
peace and justice
pray together

sig= ecumenical
encourages pilgrims to live in the spirit of kindness
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importance of Walsingham
Holy House
Walsingham p. walk (for open-air mass)

sig= Lady saw a vision of the Virgin Mary (showed her the house where Angel Gabriel told Mary she would be the mother of J))
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why are Protestants against some pilgrimages
can encounter God everywhere= opposed to idolatry
Exodus= "you shall have no other God before Me"
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what is the importance of Advent
remember Old testament prophecies about the coming of Jesus and biblical references to Final Judgement

free themselves of sin b4 Christmas by receiving the sacrament of reconciliation
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what is the importance of Holy week
solemn church services, remember final days and death of J
PS= J arrived in Jerusalem, palm leaves
HM= Mary anointed J with oil= God's approval
HT= J predicts betrayal
HW= Judas arranges with High Priests the betrayal
MT=washed disciples feet and Eucharis
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GF= crucifixion
HS= burial and resurrection
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what is the importance of Christmas
birth of J and prepare for the coming of J
importance of family and celebrate the incarnation
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what is the importance of Easter
Easter Vigil (C)
renewal of baptismal vows

celebrates ressurrection and J trying to reconcile
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commodity vs not sofa
"fill the earth and subdue it"

"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it"
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sanctity of life sofa
"let us make man in our image, after our likeness"
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why do some christians reject the evolutionary theory as valid
undermines Christian teachings about the value and sanctity of human life
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abortion sofa x2
against sanctity of life, sin
catholics= life begins upon conception "you shall not murder" Exodus, Humans have no authority
"direct interruption of the generative process... to be absolutely excluded as lawful means of regulating birth" Humane Vitae
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life after death sofa
"it is by grace you have been saved"

J frees people of their sins/transgressions in an act of grace.

through his death+resurrection= humanity saved and way to get to Heaven and God
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beliefs about life after death/ eschatology (eschatological belief)
remembered lives= n
paranormal= y
logic= y
reward= y
comfort= y
meeting loved ones= y
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euthanasia x2 sofa
"shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"
"love thy neighbours" Quakers
Catholics= sanctity of life (only God has authority), hospice instead and will be rewarded for strength and faith, similar to that in the Story of Job
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dominion vs stewardship x2 sofa
d= a previous sofa
s= "and to every beast of the earth...I have given every green plant for food"
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universal salvation
all people will attain salvation and be with God in heaven in the fullness of time. This is also known as universalism.
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The belief that during the Liturgy, when Holy Communion is being celebrated, the bread and wine take on the real presence of Jesus.
Orthodox and Catholics
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beliefs about salvation
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God is unconditionally loving
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A way of reading the Bible as the exact words of God, rather than symbolically as a more representative or analogical text.
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The belief that the Bible is inerrant and contains the exact truth of God.
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A means of reading the Bible in a non-literal way
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the sacraments


baptism, reconciliation, holy communion, confirmation, the anointing of the sick, holy orders and marriage

Card 3


what is the difference between contrition, supplication and intercession


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the roles of the local church


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


the worldwide church


Preview of the front of card 5
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