
1) Who made you?
God made me.
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2) Why did God make you?
God made me to know him, love him and serve him in this world and to be happy with him for ever in the next.
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3) To whose image and likeness did God make you?
God made me to His own image and likeness.
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4) Is this likeness to God in your body or in your soul?
This likeness to God is chiefly in my soul.
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5)How is your soul like to God?
My soul is like to God because it is a spirit and is immortal.
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6) What do you mean when you say that your soul is immortal?
When I say my soul is immortal I mean that my soul can never die.
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7) Of which must you take more care, of your body or of your soul?
I must take more care of my soul: for Christ said, ‘What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul?’
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8) What must you do to save your soul?
To save my soul I must worship God by Faith, Hope and Charity, that is, I must believe in Him, I must hope in Him and I must love Him with my whole heart.
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9) What is faith?
Faith is the supernatural gift of God, which enables us to believe without doubting whatever God has revealed.
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10) Why must you believe what God has revealed?
I must believe whatever God has revealed because God is the very Truth and can neither deceive nor be deceived.
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11) What is God?
God is the Supreme Spirit, who alone exists of Himself and is infinite in all perfections.
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12) Why is God called Almighty?
God is called Almighty because he can do all things: ‘With God all things are possible.
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13) Where is God?
God is everywhere.
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14) Does God know and see all things?
God knows and sees all things even our most secret thoughts
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15) Who is God?
God is three persons in one God: God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit
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16) What is the mystery of the Three Persons in One God?
The mystery of the Three Persons in One God is called the mystery of the Blessed Trinity.
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17) What do you mean by a mystery?
By mystery I mean a truth which is above reason but revealed by God.
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18) Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus Christ is God the Son, who became man for us. He is true God and true man, which is also a mystery.
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19) Why was God the Son became man?
He became man to redeem us from sin and hell and to teach us the way to heaven.
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20) Where is Jesus Christ?
As God, Jesus Christ is everywhere. As God and man, He is in heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament.
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21) How did Jesus become man?
Jesus being God emptied Himself and took a body and soul like ours in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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22) Had Jesus Christ any father on earth?
Jesus Christ had no father on earth: St. Joseph was only his guardian or foster- father.
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23) Where was Jesus born and when do we celebrate His Birthday?
Jesus was born 2000 years ago in a stable at Bethlehem and we celebrate His Birthday on Christmas Day.
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24) How can we divide the life period of Jesus into two?
Jesus lived in this world as a man only for 33 years. For the first 30 years he was with His parents helping them and only for 3 years he lived a public life doing His mission of Preaching the Good News.
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25) What did Jesus do just before beginning His public mission?
Jesus was baptised in the river Jordon by John the Baptist and then He fasted and prayed for 40 days in the desert before He began His public ministry.
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26) What happened when He was baptised?
The Heavens were opened, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove and a voice from heaven said; ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased’.
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27) Why did Jesus suffer and die for us?
Jesus suffered and died for us in order to redeem our souls from sin and eternal punishment in hell.
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28) When is the day the Church commemorates the death of Jesus?
The Church commemorates the death of Jesus on Good Friday
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29) When is the day the Church commemorates the resurrection of Jesus?
The Church commemorates the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.
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30) What do you mean by the words, ‘He ascended into heaven’?
By the words, ‘He ascended into heaven’ I mean that our Saviour went up Body and Soul into Heaven on Ascension Day, forty days after His Resurrection.
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31) What did the Angels say to the disciples as they were witnessing the ascension of our Lord?
“Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you to heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven.”
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32) When will Christ come again?
Christ will come again on the last day, to judge all mankind.
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33) What are the things Christ will judge?
Christ will judge our thoughts, words, deeds and also omissions.
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34) What will Christ say to the wicked?
Christ will say to the wicked: ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the devil and his angels’.
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35) What will Christ say to the just?
Christ will say to the just: ‘Come you, blessed of my Father, possess the Kingdom prepared for you in Heaven’.
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36) When is the day Jesus will come back again to judge all mankind?
The Day of Jesus’ second coming is not known to anyone except God.
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37) If we do not know when Jesus would come back again, what are we to do?
We have to live the words of Jesus and be always ready to welcome Him.
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38) What is the promise Jesus gave to His disciples just before His ascension?
The promise was to send the Holy Spirit upon them.
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39) When did the Holy Spirit come down on the Apostles?
The Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles on the Pentecost- Sunday, in the form of parted tongues as it were of fire.
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40) Why did the Holy Spirit come down on the Apostles?
The Holy Spirit came down on the Apostles to confirm their faith, to sanctify them and to enable them to found the Church.
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41) Who is the Head of the Catholic Church?
The Head of the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ, our Lord.
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42) Who is the visible Head of the Church on earth?
Pope, The Bishop of Rome, who is the Vicar of Christ, is the visible head of the Church.
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43) Why is the Bishop of Rome the head of the Church?
The Bishop of Rome is the Head of the Church because he is the successor of St. Peter, whom Christ appointed as the head of the Church.
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44) What are the four marks of the Church?
The four marks of the Church are: One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic.
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45) How is the Church One?
The Church is One because all her members agree in one Faith, have all the same sacrifice and Sacraments, and all are united under one Head.
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46) How is the Church Holy?
The Church is Holy because she is led by Jesus, who is the Holy Son of God; she teaches a Holy Doctrine, offers to all the means of holiness and is distinguished by the eminent holiness of so many Saints.
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47) How is the Church Catholic?
The Church is Catholic, which means universal, because subsists in all ages, teaches to all nations, and is the one Ark of Salvation for all.
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48) How is the Church Apostolic?
The Church is Apostolic because she has the unbroken succession of the Apostles and holds the doctrines and traditions of them.
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49) What are the three places our souls can be judged to be in after our death?
The three places our souls can be judged to be in after our death are: heaven, hell and purgatory.
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50) What is heaven?
Heaven is the place where we have the privilege of seeing God face to face and be united with the saints and angels of God, in perfect happiness for ever.
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51) What is hell?
Hell is the place where we will be cursed to be with the devil and his angels in un-quenching fire, where there will be everlasting agony, pain and curse.
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52) What is purgatory?
Purgatory is a place where we will suffer for a temporal period of time, in accordance for the atonement of the sins we had committed on earth, before we are made clean to enter heaven
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53) What do you mean by the communion of Saints?`
By the communion of Saints I mean that all the members of the Church in Heaven, on earth and in purgatory are in communion with each other as being one body in Jesus Christ.
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54) What is sin?
Sin is an offence against God, by any thought, word, deed, or omission against the law of God.
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55) How many kinds of sin are there?
There are two kinds of sin: original sin and actual sin.
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56) What is original sin?
Original sin is that guilt and stain of sin which we inherit from Adam, who was the origin and head of all mankind.
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57) What is the privilege of the Blessed Virgin Mary called?
The privilege of the Blessed Virgin Mary is called the Immaculate Conception.
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58) What is actual sin?
Actual sin is every sin which we ourselves commit.
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59) How is actual sin divided?
Actual sin is divided into two: mortal sin, which is a grave sin that can lead to hell and venial sin, which can be more easily pardoned than mortal sin. But venial sin when continued can lead to mortal sin.
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60) By what means are sins forgiven?
Sins are forgiven principally by the Sacraments of Baptism and Confession.
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61) What was the sin committed by Adam?
The sin committed by Adam was the sin of disobedience when he ate the forbidden fruit.
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62) Has all mankind contracted the guilt and stain of original sin?
All mankind contracted the guilt and stain of original sin, except the Blessed Virgin Mary and her Divine Son, through whose foreseen merits she was conceived without the least guilt or stain of the original sin.
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63) What do you mean by ‘the resurrection of the body’?
By the resurrection of the body I mean that we shall rise again with the same bodies at the day of judgement.
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64) What does ‘life everlasting’ mean?
‘Life everlasting’ means that the good shall live for ever in the glory and happiness of heaven, which is to see, love and enjoy God with the company of Saints and Angels for ever.
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65) Will Faith alone save us?
Faith alone will not save us without good works: we must also have Hope and Charity.
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66) What is Hope?
Hope is a supernatural gift of God, by which we firmly trust that God will give us eternal life and all means necessary to obtain it, if we do what He requires of us.
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67) What is Charity?
Charity is a supernatural gift of God by which we love God above all things, and our neighbour as ourselves for God’s sake
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68) What is Grace?
Grace is a supernatural gift of God, freely bestowed upon us for our sanctification and salvation.
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69) How must we obtain God’s grace?
We must obtain God’s grace chiefly by prayer and the holy Sacraments.
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70) What is prayer?
Prayer is the raising of mind and heart to God: by adoring, praising, thanking and pleading for forgiveness and all other blessings.
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71) What is a Sacrament?
A Sacrament is an outward sign of inward grace ordained by Jesus Christ, by which grace is given to our souls.
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72) Do the Sacraments always give grace?
The Sacraments always give grace to those who receive them worthily.
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73) Should we have a great desire to receive the Sacraments?
We should have a great desire to receive the Sacraments because they are the chief means of our salvation.
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74) How many Sacraments are there?
There are seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confession, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Holy Order, Matrimony and the Anointing of the sick.
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75) What are the Sacraments that can be received only once and why?
There are three Sacraments that can be received only once: Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Order; because by these Sacraments the soul is sealed with an indelible character.
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76) What is Baptism?
Baptism is a Sacrament which cleanses us from original sin, makes us Christians, children of God and members of the Church.
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77) Does Baptism also forgive actual sins?
Baptism also forgives actual sins with all punishment due to them, when it is received in proper dispositions by those who have been guilty of actual sins.
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78) What is the Sacrament of Confession?
Confession is a Sacrament whereby the sins whether mortal or venial which we have committed after Baptism are forgiven.
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79) Does the Sacrament of Confession increase the grace of God?
The Sacrament of Confession increases the grace of God in the soul, besides forgiving sins, so we should often go to confession.
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80) When did our Lord institute the Sacrament of Confession?
Our Lord instituted the Sacrament of Confession when he breathed on His Apostles and gave them power to forgive sins, saying: ‘whose sin you shall forgive they shall be forgiven’.
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81) Are any conditions required on the part of the penitent?
Three conditions are required on the part of the penitent: Contrition, Confession and Satisfaction
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82) What is Contrition?
Contrition is a heavy sorrow for our sins, because by them we have offended so good a God, together with a firm purpose of amendment.
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83) What is Confession?
Confession is to accuse ourselves of our sins to a priest approved by the Bishop.
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84) What is Satisfaction?
Satisfaction is doing the penance given by the priest.
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85) What is the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist?
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist is the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, together with His Soul and Divinity, under the appearance of bread and wine.
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86) When are the bread and wine changed into the Body and Blood of Christ?
The bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ when the words of consecration ordained by Jesus Christ are pronounced by the priest in Holy Mass.
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87) Is the Blessed Eucharist a Sacrament only?
The Blessed Eucharist is not a Sacrament only: it is also a Sacrifice.
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88) What is the holy Mass?
The Holy Mass is the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, really present on the altar under the appearance of bread and wine and offered to God for the living and the dead.
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89) What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a Sacrament by which we receive the Holy Spirit, in order to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus Christ.
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90) What is the Sacrament of the Holy Order?
Holy Order is the Sacrament by which bishops, priests and other ministers of the Church are ordained and receive power and grace to perform their sacred duties.
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91) What is the Sacrament of Matrimony?
Matrimony is the Sacrament which sanctifies the contract of a Christian marriage and gives a special grace to those who receive it worthily.
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92) What is the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick?
This sacrament is the anointing of the sick with Holy oil accompanied with prayer.
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93) When is the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick given?
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is given when we are in danger of death.
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94) Which are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety and the fear of the Lord.
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95) Which are the seven spiritual works of mercy?
The seven spiritual works of mercy are: to convert the sinner, to instruct the ignorant, to counsel the doubtful, to comfort the sorrowful, to bear wrong patiently, to forgive injuries and to pray for the living and the dead.
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96) When are we answerable for the sins of others?
We are answerable for the sins of others whenever we either cause them or share in them through our own fault.
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97) In how many ways may we either cause or share the guilt of another’s sin?
We may either cause or share the guilt of another’s sin in nine ways: by counsel, by command, by consent, by provocation, by praise or flattery, by concealment, by being a partner in the sin, by silence and by defending the ill done.
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98) Which are the three eminent good works?
The three eminent good works are: Prayer, Fasting and Alms-giving.
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99) What do we mean by the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin?
By the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin we mean that by the power of God, Mary, at the completion of her life was taken body and soul into everlasting glory to reign as Queen of heaven and earth.
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100) How many Disciples did Jesus chose to be with Him?
Jesus chose 12 Disciples to be with Him, whom He also named as Apostles: Simon, whom He named Peter and his brother Andrew, James and his brother John, Philip, Bartholomew, Mathew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot, Judas
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


2) Why did God make you?


God made me to know him, love him and serve him in this world and to be happy with him for ever in the next.

Card 3


3) To whose image and likeness did God make you?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


4) Is this likeness to God in your body or in your soul?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


5)How is your soul like to God?


Preview of the front of card 5
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