Child Development Revision

  • Created by: hufsaa
  • Created on: 24-11-22 09:39
what are the different types of development?
cognitive and intellectual
language and communication
1 of 18
what is delayed gross motor skill?
A child is not progressing at the same rate they might not meet the expected milestone for a child the same age
2 of 18
what skills impact a child with delayed gross motor skill?
communication and language
emotional development
3 of 18
what is delayed fine motor skills?
Fine motor skills involve the ability to hold, use, or manipulate objects using some of the smallest muscles of the body.
4 of 18
what skills impact a child with delayed fine motor skills?
5 of 18
what is restricted fine motor skills?
A child who struggles to use smaller muscle sin there body for example struggling to use a fork, knife and spoon
6 of 18
what is restricted gross motor skills?
a child where they have a disability or medical condition which has restricted the larger muscles of the body
7 of 18
how does hearing impairment affect a baby?
it will affect the baby ability to develop speech
8 of 18
how does cognitive/intellectual affect a baby?
the baby wont understand what is happening and the baby wont be able to do the basics
9 of 18
how does language and communication affect a baby?
wont understand what to do when you communicate with them
10 of 18
how does social development affect a baby?
wont communicate with anyone other than there parents
11 of 18
how does emotional development affect a baby?
the baby will be scared of people as they grow up
12 of 18
how does physical development affect a 18 months- 3years?
wont be able to do the expected milestones for there own age range
13 of 18
how does cognitive/intellectual affect a 18 months-3 years?
wont understand what's happening and won't know what to do
14 of 18
how does language and communication affect a 18 months-3 years?
wont know the basics
15 of 18
how does social affect a 18 months-3 year?
difficulties with communicating
16 of 18
how does emotional affect a 18 month- 3 years?
ne immature and not listen
17 of 18
why is friendship important for 3-5 year olds?
that is how they communicate with one another
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is delayed gross motor skill?


A child is not progressing at the same rate they might not meet the expected milestone for a child the same age

Card 3


what skills impact a child with delayed gross motor skill?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is delayed fine motor skills?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what skills impact a child with delayed fine motor skills?


Preview of the front of card 5
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