child development

How does visual impairment affect physical development
a child may be reluctant to move around because they are unsure of their surroundings

They may not move towards things because they cannot see them
1 of 10
How does hearing impairment affect physical development
It causes discharge from their ears

some children tilt their heads or lean forward in order to hear
2 of 10
How does visual impairment affect cognitive/intellectual
A child not moving around they will not explore the environment which can affect the development of the brain like shape or space.
3 of 10
How does hearing impairment affect cognitive/intellectual
A child might have difficulty with English or Maths
4 of 10
How does visual impairment affect communication and language
A child might have difficulty learning to talk because they cant read lips and notice the way adults move their mouths.
5 of 10
How does hearing impairment affect communication and language
A child might have difficulty learning to talk because they cannot hear the sounds required in order to speak
6 of 10
How does visual impairment affect social development
If a child is unable to make eye contact this will affect their ability to engage in social situations like nonverbal language such as facial expressions

a child who cannot pick these up will have difficulty for them to read social situations
7 of 10
How does hearing impact affect social development
It can affect communication with others which can prevent a child from interacting socially
8 of 10
How does visual impairment affect emotional development
A child may be less independent because they rely on adults to complete tasks for them.

This can affect self esteem and make them feel like they cannot do things.
9 of 10
How does hearing impairment affect emotional development
It can cause a child to have low self esteem and feel left out because they cant communicate effectively
10 of 10

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Card 2


It causes discharge from their ears

some children tilt their heads or lean forward in order to hear


How does hearing impairment affect physical development

Card 3


A child not moving around they will not explore the environment which can affect the development of the brain like shape or space.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A child might have difficulty with English or Maths


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A child might have difficulty learning to talk because they cant read lips and notice the way adults move their mouths.


Preview of the back of card 5
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