Chemistry 3 - identifying unknown substances

tests for cations, anions

  • Created by: Holly
  • Created on: 11-01-10 21:00

1. My unknown substance burns with a green flame. When I add HNO3 and AgNO3 I get a yellow precipitate. What is the substance?

  • Barium Bromide
  • Copper Iodide
  • Barium Iodide
  • Copper Chloride
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. If I add sodium hydroxide to my uknown substance and get a white precipitate, what is NOT in my substance?

  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Aluminium
  • Calcium

3. If I add HCl to my uknown substance and then Barium choride and get a precipitate.What is my substance?

  • A nitrite
  • A Nitrate
  • A Sulphate
  • A Carbonate

4. A smelly gas is given off when I add HCL and NaOH to my substance, what is it?

  • NH3
  • CO2
  • H2o

5. I heat my substance strongly and then cool it, what is it if it goes from green to black?

  • Zinc Carbonate
  • Copper Carbonate
  • Copper Nitrate


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