Chemistry unit one unknown

  • Created by: IT4335
  • Created on: 07-05-17 09:22
Carbonates + acids =
salt + water + carbon dioxide
1 of 27
Metel carbonate + heat =
metel oxides + carbon dioxide
2 of 27
Calcuim carbonate + heat =
calcium oxides
3 of 27
calcium oxide + a little water
calcium hydroxide
4 of 27
calcium hydroxide + more water
calcium hydroxide solution
5 of 27
calcium hydroxide solution + carbon dioxide
calcium carbonate
6 of 27
limestone + clay =
7 of 27
cement + sand =
8 of 27
cement + sand + aggregate =
9 of 27
What are metels heated with in reduction
10 of 27
What is low carbon steel good for
11 of 27
What is high carbon steel good for
12 of 27
What is stainless steel good for
resisting to corrosion
13 of 27
What makes bromine go from orange to coulerless
14 of 27
Propeties of alkanes
saturated single covalent bonds
15 of 27
Propeties of alkenes
unsaturated one double bond
16 of 27
Formulae of alkanes
Cn H2n+2
17 of 27
Formulae of alkenes
Cn H2n
18 of 27
What are the conditions used when hydronating oils
60c and nickel catalyst
19 of 27
2 methods of cracking
heat + catalyst and steam + high temperature
20 of 27
Environmental impacts of carbon dioxide
global warming
21 of 27
Environmental impacts of carbon monoxide
toxic gas
22 of 27
Environmental impacts of sulphur dioxide
acid rain
23 of 27
Environmental impacts of particulates
global dimming
24 of 27
Environmental impacts of nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide
acid rain
25 of 27
Environmental impacts of particulates
global dimming
26 of 27
Environmental impacts of nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide
acid rain
27 of 27

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Metel carbonate + heat =


metel oxides + carbon dioxide

Card 3


Calcuim carbonate + heat =


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


calcium oxide + a little water


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


calcium hydroxide + more water


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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