Quantitative Chemistry

  • Created by: Manyah
  • Created on: 18-05-20 11:23

Quantitative Chemistry


  • The chemical formula of a compound shows how many of each type of atom join together to make the units which make up the compund.

For example, in iron sulfide ervey iron atom is joined to one sulfur atom, so we show its formula as FeS. in sodium oxide, there are two sodium atoms for every oxygen atom, so we show its formula as Na2O. Notice that the '2' is written as a subscript, so NA2O would be wrong

Chemical Equations

  • Word equations are useful to show which chemicals react together and which chemicals are produced. Symbol equations allow chemists to work out the masses that will react or be produced
  • Balanced symbol equations show what happens to the different atoms in reactions

For example, copper + oxygen --> copper oxide. Copper and oxygen are the reactants because they are on the left of the arrow, copper oxide is the product because it is on the right of the arrow. 

State symbols

  • Sometimes it is useful to


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