Characteristics of air masses

Tropical Continental
The air mass originates over North Africa and the Sahara (a warm source region). It is most common during the summer months June, July and August, although it can occur at other times of the year.
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Tropical Maritime
The source region for this air mass is warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean between the Azores and Bermuda. The predominant wind direction across the British Isles, in a tropical maritime air mass, is south-westerly.
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Polar Continental
This air mass has its origins over the snow fields of Eastern Europe and Russia and is only considered a winter (November to April) phenomena.
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Polar Maritime
This air mass has its origins over northern Canada and Greenland and reaches the British Isles on a north-westerly air stream. Polar maritime is the most common air mass to affect the British Isles.
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Arctic Maritime
An arctic maritime air mass has similar characteristics to a polar maritime air mass, but because of the shorter sea track the air is colder and less moist.
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Card 2


The source region for this air mass is warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean between the Azores and Bermuda. The predominant wind direction across the British Isles, in a tropical maritime air mass, is south-westerly.


Tropical Maritime

Card 3


This air mass has its origins over the snow fields of Eastern Europe and Russia and is only considered a winter (November to April) phenomena.


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Card 4


This air mass has its origins over northern Canada and Greenland and reaches the British Isles on a north-westerly air stream. Polar maritime is the most common air mass to affect the British Isles.


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Card 5


An arctic maritime air mass has similar characteristics to a polar maritime air mass, but because of the shorter sea track the air is colder and less moist.


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