Chapter 8: Fears and phobias keywords

  • Created by: Ali682
  • Created on: 05-09-23 14:41
Adaptive function
A trait that serves an adaptive function is one that has evolved because it provided a solution to problems faced by our ancestors.
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Twins derived from one egg that was fertilised by one sperm before dividing into two, also known as identical twins.
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Twins that are the result of two eggs being fertilised by two separate sperm at the same time, also known as fraternal twins.
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Heritability rate
A measure of the extent to which differences in people's traits can be explained by the differences in their genes.
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Biological preparedness
The idea that some fears helped humans to survive in their evolutionary past.
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Classical conditioning
The process of by which a stimulus acquires the capacity to trigger a response by virtue of its repeated pairing with an unconditioned stimulus.
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Neutral stimulus
An object or event that evokes a response without any conditioning taking place. For example, the smell of food will evoke a salivation response in hungry dogs.
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Conditioned stimulus
An object or event that evokes a response after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus via conditioning.
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Conditioned response
The reaction that a conditioned stimulus evokes.
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A form of conditioning in which an undesirable response to a stimulus is replaced with a desirable response by associating the stimulus with something positive.
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Systematic desensitisation
A treatment of phobias in which clients are gradually subjected to the thing that they fear.
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In classical conditioning, the point at which the conditioned stimulus stops producing the conditioned response after repeatedly being applied without the unconditioned stimulus.
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Operant conditioning
A form on conditioning in which the outcome depends upon the action of the animal, such as obtaining food by turning a latch or negotiating a maze.
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Negative reinforcement
The removal of something negative as a consequence of a particular behaviour resulting in an increase of that behaviour.
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Observational learning
The process of learning by watching others.
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Vicarious reinforcement
The process by which seeing someone else being rewarded for displaying a behaviour motivates the observer to carry out the same behaviour in the hope of obtaining the same reward.
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Positive reinforcement
Something that is received as a consequence of a particular behaviour, which increases the frequency of that behaviour.
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Attentional bias
The tendency to prioritise the processing of some stimuli over others.
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Interpretation bias
The tendency to interpret ambiguous situations in a consistent manner.
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Irrational belief
An illogical, incorrect or distorted idea that is strongly held despite objective evidence to the contrary.
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Cognitive behavioural therapy
A talking therapy that is used as a treatment for many different mental health problems.
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Irrational thoughts
Illogical patterns of thinking that distort perceptions of reality.
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Unconscious mind
Mental processes such as, thoughts, feelings and memories that are not accessible to conscious awareness but have an influence on conscious thoughts and behaviour.
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Oedipus complex
A concept from Freud's psychoanalytic theory that describes a sexual desire that male children have for their opposite sex parent and a rivalry they have with the same sex parent. The equivalent in female children is the Electra complex.
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Secure attachment
A type of attachment characterised by a child being certain that their caregiver will be there for them when they need them.
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Anxious attachment
An attachment style characterised by fear that others will not reciprocate a desire for intimacy. This attachment style is said to be a product of an unreliable parent or caregiver who did not consistently meet their child's needs.
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Diathesis-stress model
A model that proposes that mental disorders are the product of an interaction between environmental stressors and underlying vulnerabilities.
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Card 2


Twins derived from one egg that was fertilised by one sperm before dividing into two, also known as identical twins.



Card 3


Twins that are the result of two eggs being fertilised by two separate sperm at the same time, also known as fraternal twins.


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Card 4


A measure of the extent to which differences in people's traits can be explained by the differences in their genes.


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Card 5


The idea that some fears helped humans to survive in their evolutionary past.


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