chapter 17 chemistry

molecular ion peak and equation
clear peak at the highest m/z value to the right,organic compound loses e-to form a positive molecular ion,mass spectrometer detects m/z,m+peak is the last peak on the mass spectrum-needed to find mr/n.o of c atoms=height of M+1 peak/height of M peak
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some molecular ions break down into smaller fragments, which are the other peaks on a mass spectrum, breaks into a positive fragment ion and a radical
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bond absorb infra red, making them bend and stretch, depends on the mass of the atoms in the bond-heavier vibrate slower, and strength of bond, stronger vibrate faster.
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what are the 2 types of vibration
Bend-changes the bond angle, or stretch-movement along the line between atoms so that the difference between 2 atomic centres increases and decreases
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infrared spectroscopy
a beam of infrared is passed through sample, molecule absorbs some ir frequencies,connceted to computer, dips in graph are peaks, below 1500cm^-1 is the fingerprint region-identify bonds and functional groups
5 of 5

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Card 2




some molecular ions break down into smaller fragments, which are the other peaks on a mass spectrum, breaks into a positive fragment ion and a radical

Card 3




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Card 4


what are the 2 types of vibration


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Card 5


infrared spectroscopy


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