Changing Retail Services - South Yorkshire Case Study

OCR Geography Specification B


1. How has an increase in car ownership affected the way we shop in the last 100 years?

  • We are able to travel further for shopping
  • We are able to carry more shopping.
  • Effective delivery services have become available to utilise.
1 of 11

Other questions in this quiz

2. Why are shopping centres built out of town as opposed to in the CBD where there is a large number of potential customers?

  • More, cheaper land
  • High level of scenic beauty
  • to encourage people to get out of the city once in a while

3. Nowadays, people want a large range of goods at cheaper prices, so why are smaller specialist shops being out competed by supermarkets

  • Supermarkets are able to meet this edmand as they have a large range at cheap prices
  • They are Horrible environments to shop in
  • They do not have a large enough stock of their specialist product

4. A change in social habits and work patters means that people want to spend less time shopping for leisure and more for the things they really need.

  • False
  • True

5. Supermarkets allow people to quickly purchase everything a person might need, hence why they are increasing in popularity.

  • True
  • False


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