changing quality of life

by 1930 how much energy supplies did coal make
1 of 58
what is the most effective example of mass production
henry ford's car factories
2 of 58
how many cars were there in 1929
3 of 58
what was consumer debt in 1920
4 of 58
what was consumer debt in 1929
5 of 58
what replaced the bull market
bear market
6 of 58
how many banks were bankrupt by 1933
7 of 58
what was the wagner-steagall national housing act and what year was it
1937, oversee slum clearance and building of housing for low-income families
8 of 58
how many were unemployed 1929
9 of 58
1932 how many were unemployed
10 of 58
what year did unemployment begin to drop
11 of 58
what were nappy sails in 1957
12 of 58
by how much did toy manafacturers profits rise by from 1959 to 1961
rose from 1.6bil to 2billion
13 of 58
when was the national housing act
14 of 58
what did it do
build 810,000 low income houses to replace slums
15 of 58
when did OPA shut down
16 of 58
what did truman pass in 1946
employment act
17 of 58
what did the employment act set up
18 of 58
when was the highways act
19 of 58
how many transistor radios were there in 1958
45 million
20 of 58
hwo muxh money was there in circulation 1960
$215billion compared to $169 billion 1952
21 of 58
what agreement made the dollar the currency to be backed by a gold reserves
1944 bretton woods agreement
22 of 58
what is stagflation
when business stops expanding but the inflation continues
23 of 58
how did the US share of world exports differ in 1973 from 1953
1953 - 29%, 1973 - 13%
24 of 58
when was the first fuel crisis
25 of 58
by jan 1974 world oil prices were how many times higher than before
4 times
26 of 58
when was the second fuel crisis and how long did it last
1979 for 3 months
27 of 58
how did unemployment change 1978 to 1979
1978 unemployment 5.8%, rose to 7.1% 1979
28 of 58
when did carter address the confidence crisis
july 1979
29 of 58
when did nixon introduce a price and wage freeze
30 of 58
when did feds put restraints on the increase in the money supply
october 1979
31 of 58
what was the average life expectancy of a white man in 1980
74.4 years
32 of 58
what was the average life expectancy for a non-white man 1980
69.5 years
33 of 58
on average how much more did white men earn then non-whites 1980
34 of 58
how many houses had eletric lighting 1940
35 of 58
what percentage of income went on food in 1933
36 of 58
what percentage of income went on food in 1940
37 of 58
when was the REA set up
38 of 58
how much did the govt spend on healthcare in 1940
$32.7 million
39 of 58
how many went to school in 1940
40 of 58
how much teenagers spend in 1959
$10 billion
41 of 58
how much did home ownership increase by from 1940 to 1960
42 of 58
what percent of white and non-white were below the poverty line in 1966
12% white, 41% non-white
43 of 58
what was the budget for johnsons 'war on poverty'
$960 million
44 of 58
give one example of a successful CAP
project in memphis focused on infant morality
45 of 58
when was the food stamp act
46 of 58
when was the medicare act and what did it do
1965, took small contribution from peoples social security payments and guarantees free medical care in old age
47 of 58
when was the national consumer cooperative bank set up
48 of 58
what was the rose bowl stadium enlarged to in 1928
76,000 seats
49 of 58
when was the yankees stadium rebuilt
50 of 58
who was the 1926 boxing match between
dempsey v tunney
51 of 58
when did the all american girls professional baseball league play between
52 of 58
how many miles of road were there in 1980
3.8 million miles
53 of 58
what did cinema attendance fall to in 1980
19.7 million
54 of 58
when was the kelly act
55 of 58
when was the collision of two passenger planes over the grand canyon
56 of 58
what did this lead to being set up?
federal aviation administration 1958
57 of 58
when was the airline deregulation act
58 of 58

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the most effective example of mass production


henry ford's car factories

Card 3


how many cars were there in 1929


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what was consumer debt in 1920


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what was consumer debt in 1929


Preview of the front of card 5
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