Cells and Organelles-Structure of Eukaryotes

  • Created by: jessica
  • Created on: 11-02-13 07:54
What are the membranes made of?
Composed of phospholipids and proteins and are asymmetric and have two faces
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What are the functions of the membrane?
regulate transport of nutrients into the cell and to take waste out of the cell.Maintains proper chemical concentrations inside the cell, provides a site for chemical reactions to take place. detects signals from external environments,
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What is the cytosol made of?
cytoskeleton, polyribosomes, metabolic enzymes
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What is the cytoskeleton made of?
filaments and fine tubules-microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments.
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What is the cytoskeleton involved in?
cell movement, cell division, cell shape and intracellular trafficking of organelles and the coordinated movement of tissue.
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Describe microfilaments.
Made of actin, 7-9nm thick, The F actin double helices are made from G actin subunits, The fibres contract and expand by further polymerization and depolymerization by ATP.
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Where do microfilaments aggregate?
leading edge of cell movement and can be found in microvilli and cell junctions.
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Discuss microtubules.
Made of αβ tubulin dimer, 25nm thick, Form tubes of tubulin which grow by polymerization from specific microtubule organizing centers.
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What is the role of microtubules?
Form track ways in cells along which motor proteins drag vesicles and other organelles.Have a role in positioning of chromatids in cell division e.g. centrioles.
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What are the two major types of motor protein?
dyenin and kinesin.
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What does dyenin do?
carries secretory vesicles, Golgi, ER, Mitochondria towards the positive end.
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What does kinesin do?
carriers endosomes, lysosomes and pigment granules to the negative end.
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Discuss intermediate filaments.
10nm thick. Have a role in maintaining cell shape and tissue integrity.
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How are plant cells specialized?
Chloroplasts, vacuoles and specialized peroxisomes are present only in plant cells, not animal cells. Surround by a rigid cell wall.communicate via a special connection called plasmodesmata.
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What do vacuoles do?
Stores water, ions, nutrients, degrades macromolecules. Inflow of water via osmosis causes vacuole expansion and maintenance of turgor pressure. Expansion of vacuoles involved in cell elongation.
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What is the plasmodesmata?
Connects the cytosol of adjacent cells.There is an extension of the ER which forms a desmotubule, goes through the plasmodesmata.allows transfer of substances from one cell to another.
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Which cellular organelles have a double membrane?
nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast have a double membrane.
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What are lysosomes?
organelles filled with degrading enzymes, the interior has a pH of 5.This aids the lysosomal enzymes which are able to function at low pH. Proteins with the lysosomal membrane pump hydrogen ions into the lysosome which generates the low pH.
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What are peroxisomes?
Enzymes specialized for breaking down the lipid components of membranes.
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What are the functions of the membrane?


regulate transport of nutrients into the cell and to take waste out of the cell.Maintains proper chemical concentrations inside the cell, provides a site for chemical reactions to take place. detects signals from external environments,

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What is the cytosol made of?


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