Cells and the Movement of Substances - Cell Structure

List all the organelles in a plant cell (clue: there are 8!)
- cell wall
- cell membrane
- nucleus
- cytoplasm
- vacuole
- chloroplasts
- mitochondria
- ribosomes
1 of 12
List all the organelles in an animal cell (clue: there are 5!)
- cell membrane
- nucleus
- cytoplasm
- mitochondria
- ribosomes
2 of 12
What are the 3 organelles plant cells have but animal cells do not have?
- cell wall
- vacuole
- chloroplasts
3 of 12
What is a cell wall? What is its function?
- surrounds the cell
- made of cellulose
- provides strength and protection for the cell
- increases the cell's structural strength
4 of 12
What is a cell membrane? What is its function?
- boundary to separate the interior of a cell from the environment outside
- selectively permeable - controls which substances enter/leave the cell
5 of 12
What is the nucleus? What is its function?
- control centre of the cell - determines the substances that the cell makes and controls the cell's activities
- contains chromosomes, which contain the cell's genetic information
6 of 12
What is the cytoplasm? What is its function?
- a jelly-like fluid that fills the cell
- where most of the cell's chemical reactions take place
7 of 12
What are ribosomes? What is their function?
- tiny particles found in the cytoplasm
- responsible for the synthesis of proteins
8 of 12
What are mitochondria? What is their function?
- sausage-shaped organelles scattered throughout the cytoplasm
- site of aerobic respiration
9 of 12
What is aerobic respiration?
A process which uses sugar and water to release energy
10 of 12
What is a vacuole? What is its function?
- a sack filled with a fluid called cell sap
- membrane-bound (enclosed in a membrane)
- stores water
11 of 12
What are chloroplasts? What is their function?
- green, disc-shaped organelles
- contain chlorophyll for photosynthesis
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


List all the organelles in an animal cell (clue: there are 5!)


- cell membrane
- nucleus
- cytoplasm
- mitochondria
- ribosomes

Card 3


What are the 3 organelles plant cells have but animal cells do not have?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a cell wall? What is its function?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a cell membrane? What is its function?


Preview of the front of card 5
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