Causes of the abdication of the Tsar

When did the Tsar abdicate his throne?
February 1917
1 of 20
What did Georgi Gapon form in 1903?
Assembly of Russian Workers
2 of 20
How many members were in Gapon's organisation within a year? (1903-1904)
3 of 20
How many workers went on strike in St Petersburg in 1905?
4 of 20
What did the Tsar promise in the 1905 October Manifesto?
Freedom of speech and a state Duma approving laws
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What was the name of the law which effectively reversed the October Manifesto?
Fundamental Laws 1906
6 of 20
What did Japan take in the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-05
Town of Mukden, Port Arthur and Korea
7 of 20
What was Nicholas' title in the war?
Commander in Chief
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How much change occurred in government during the war?
Between 1915 and 1916, 4 prime ministers and ministers of war
9 of 20
What was the Progressive Bloc?
236 of 422 Duma deputies that criticise Tsar
10 of 20
What were desertion rates in the army in WW1?
11 of 20
How much food did Moscow receive during the war?
a third of pre-war levels
12 of 20
How was the economy during the war?
Bad- wages doubled but food and fuel quadrupled
13 of 20
How did war affect food supplies in Petrograd by early 1917?
Citizens received less than a quarter of 1914 levels
14 of 20
What happened to the port Archangel?
It had undistributed supplies sinking under the weight of new supplies
15 of 20
At the start of the 20th century, what was the ratio of industrial workers to agricultural workers in Russia?
12m industrial and 93m agricultural
16 of 20
What was most people's perception of Rasputin
Womanising charlatan
17 of 20
What was Tsarina Alexandrina's nationality
18 of 20
What was the name of the Bolshevik's newspaper?
19 of 20
What was the Provisional Committee?
12 members of the Duma who refused to dissolve
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did Georgi Gapon form in 1903?


Assembly of Russian Workers

Card 3


How many members were in Gapon's organisation within a year? (1903-1904)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many workers went on strike in St Petersburg in 1905?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the Tsar promise in the 1905 October Manifesto?


Preview of the front of card 5
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