Business studies Unit 1 part 1

Two reason why someone might start a business?
1 of 25
Do charities aim to make profit?
2 of 25
What is a social enterprise?
3 of 25
What is meant by calculated risk?
4 of 25
Five qualities an entrepreneur is likely to have?
5 of 25
What are the problems of being a sole trader and what is meant by the term sole trader?
6 of 25
What does a sole trader gain and lose if it becomes a partnership?
7 of 25
If you own a part of a business and the business goes bankrupt would you rather have limited or unlimited liability?why?
8 of 25
Why do limited companies have to separate legal identity and what does it mean?
9 of 25
What is franchise
10 of 25
two benefits of franchising for the franchisee?
11 of 25
two disadvantages of franchising for the franchisee?
12 of 25
List 7 types of business aims:
13 of 25
Difference between business aim and business objective?
14 of 25
How can a business use numerical targets to asses it's performance over a year?
15 of 25
How can business determine whether it's met it's objective for being ethical?
16 of 25
What is a stakeholder?
17 of 25
Two internal stakeholders? Two external stakeholders?
18 of 25
Why might shareholders of a business and consumers have different opinions about how successful the business is?
19 of 25
Who are the most important stakeholders and why?
20 of 25
What is the purpose of a business plan?
21 of 25
What should be included in a business plan?
22 of 25
Why isn't a good business plan a guarantee of success?
23 of 25
Why might some firms choose to locate production closer to their raw materials than their customers?
24 of 25
Four other factors that need to be considered when choosing a business location?
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Do charities aim to make profit?



Card 3


What is a social enterprise?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is meant by calculated risk?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Five qualities an entrepreneur is likely to have?


Preview of the front of card 5
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