Superpower mindmap

  • Created by: defkanone
  • Created on: 22-05-20 11:34
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  • Superpower mindmap
    • Economics
      • Investor's interest
        • Provides external capital influx
        • International relationships
      • international  trading
        • Established material exchange system to use the economical potential for its maximum
        • Natural resourses internal source
          • Oil,  natural gas, coal ownership provide an ability to supply and therefore accomplish a potential to influence the world markets and gain economical advantage
      • Natural resourses internal source
        • Oil,  natural gas, coal ownership provide an ability to supply and therefore accomplish a potential to influence the world markets and gain economical advantage
      • Developed business system.
        • credit system
        • Protection of business rights
          • Defined entrepreneur's  rights
        • Educated  population
          • Universities
        • lack of monopoly
      • Achieves the power to influence global economics, politics, lead the international organizations,
      • Stable  independent state currency ( dollar, euro. etc.) that will not collapse
    • Military
      • established army
        • Human resourses
      • strategic weapons
        • intercontinental missiles
        • Developed satellite tracking system
        • submarines, unmanned vehicle
        • established army
          • Human resourses
        • military bases located at different parts of the world
      • Nuclear weapon
    • Science
      • General education
        • Schools
          • Personatlity formation's foundation
        • kindergarned
          • Personatlity formation's foundation
        • Educated  population
          • Universities
      • Science labotoryes
      • attracting scientist from all over the world
        • International relationships
      • Financing
    • sustainable state system
      • Stable  state
        • Real presence of separation of powers
          • None of the branches of powers should be impactful than the others
        • State should not only be a superpower in a short terms, it should have durability( USSR were a superpower, however it collapsed.)
        • Political  competition
          • State should not only be a superpower in a short terms, it should have durability( USSR were a superpower, however it collapsed.)
        • Untitled
      • Political  competition
        • Moral principles, ethics( confucianicm + communism in china)
          • Culture
            • Spread of cultural dissemination( USA movies, series)
              • lifestyle promotion
            • Language, art, history, moviemaking,music literature, etc.
      • Culture
        • Spread of cultural dissemination( USA movies, series)
          • lifestyle promotion
        • Language, art, history, moviemaking,music literature, etc.
      • Social  satisfaction
        • legitimacy of authorities
        • middle class  make up most of the popylation
        • Social, natural, constitutional rights are considered
        • Most of the population satisfied with their lifes / have access to education, health services.


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