Broken (narrative)

What is the establishing shot?
Extreme close up - a baby's stomach in an incubator
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How does this position the audience?
To feel a sense of suspense and worry for the baby due to the audio codes
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How is this an example of how the text influenced the audience?
Through enigma codes and a restricted narrative to enhance the suspense
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What follows this shot?
A montage of shots from Skunk's life and how she grows up
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How does the montage influence the audience?
It reassures them that she will be okay, despite now representing someone with a medical condition
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What kind of narrative is represented?
Non linear (use of flashbacks)
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How is the use of a non linear narrative linked to the independent industry?
Use of flashbacks makes the narrative more interesting despite the low budget
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What was the final budget for the film?
£1-2 Million
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Why was the budget so low?
18 month hiatus, £3.5 Million - £750,000
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Who saved the budget?
Bill Kenwright (Chairman of Everton FC), BFI film fund
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How has the text influenced the industry?
Premiered at Cannes and won the best independent film award, picked up industry Studio Canal and conitnued to add to the ever-growing British film industry
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How does this indluence the audience?
Raising awareness of the growing industry
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How are binary oppositions used in the opening of the film?
The audience are positioned to see the conflict between Mr Oswald and Rick as he is beaten up in contrast with the previous peaceful construction of suburban London
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Aerial shot -
A suburban London close
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What pleasure does this shot and the diegetic audio codes of birds give the audience?
Aesthetic pleasure
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How is the fight constructed?
Through a sense of claustrophobia as it is shwon through a medium shot taken from inside the car
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How does this shot affect the audience?
Positions them to feel helpless, enjoy the conflict, sense of voyeuristic pleasure
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What does the non diegetic music do?
Builds the tension
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High angled shot -
Rick's weak and petrified eyes
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How does this shot influence the audience?
Through emotive pleasure, causing them to feel sorry for him and helpless in the situation
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What is the final shot of the opening?
Medium shot of Skunk looking out of the window
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How is SKunk constructed?
As a ******, influencing the audience who are also ******s and highlighting her as important to the narrative
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How is Skunk tied to the narrative?
The title fades into the screen with non dominant lower case letters and the same red colour as Skunk's t-shirt, associating the many connotations with her
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"Narrative conventions and performance...
... thoroughly enjoyed despite the dark themes, maybe the emotive response is favoured more than CGI and high production values"
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does this position the audience?


To feel a sense of suspense and worry for the baby due to the audio codes

Card 3


How is this an example of how the text influenced the audience?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What follows this shot?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does the montage influence the audience?


Preview of the front of card 5
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