Broken (genre)

What genre is Broken?
Drama/British social realist text
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How are the audience intially positioned through enigma codes?
To hear the haunting sound of breathing on a blank screen
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What is the establishing shot?
Extreme close up - Baby's stomach in an incubator, connotations of an ill/premature baby
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What does the shot cut to?
Home footage of Skunk at 6 or 7, grained effect
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Montage ...
Ill baby, growing up, 6 or 7, 10 or 11, ill in hospital at 10
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How is the montage a representation of the industry?
Makes the narrative more interesting on a small budget
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What was the budget for Broken?
£1-2 Million
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who provided the final £1-2 Million budget?
Bill Kenwright, Chairman of Everton FC
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Aerial shot
North London Suburban close
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How is Nelmes applicable?
Detached houses, british brick, cars and styles represent British values
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Over the shoulder shot
Speaking to Rick
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Verbal code
British accent
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How does this representation of the close position the audience?
To feel peaceful, birds singing, rustling trees, can tell Rick is mentally challenged
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How are the audience positioned to feel during Mr Oswald's assault?
Helpless, claustrophobic shot in the car, non deigetic music builds tension, fast editing speeds up attack, high angled shot - Rick's petrified eyes
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How is Strauss applied?
During the assault of Rick. Rick's weakness vs Mr Oswald's power
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What do the iconic images of the police suggest?
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Medium shot
Two police officers arresting Rick
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How is Skunk constructed as she looks out of the window?
As a ******
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'Broken' fades
onto the screen, in redm represents Skunk who wears red throughout
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Connotations of Broken
Broken nose/family
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How is Gramsci applied?
Teaching about the extent of some mental illnesses and it can be argued that this is generic of the social realist genre as it’s a real and common topic, although not address in everyday society.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How are the audience intially positioned through enigma codes?


To hear the haunting sound of breathing on a blank screen

Card 3


What is the establishing shot?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the shot cut to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Montage ...


Preview of the front of card 5
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