British Empire: America

What were the Townshend Duties 1767
duties on imports of glass lead paper paints and tea
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Problem with British Taxation
colonists wanted the tax to be spent locally not on empire
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Boston Massacre 1717
divisions between colonists = 9 soldiers harassed so soldiers fired back into the crowd
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Sinking of the tea 1773
60 sons of liberty throw £10,000 of tea into sea
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1773 Tea Act
Brits get £400k from EIC to pay debt
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Coercive Acts 1774
Isolation of Boston and Massachusetts until tea is paid for
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Lexington and Concord 1775
First shots fired, Brits marched to destroy weapon supply
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Bunker Hill 1775
Brits storm but colonists built six foot wall. Colonists retreat because lack of ammo = not a victory
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Declaration of Independence
Fighting in 1775-6 makes colonists American patriots believe they could triumph
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Saratoga 1777
Burgoyne led brit/amer/loyalists from s. Canadian border to meet troops i NY. Ended up surrounded by double the amount of Amer troops
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Yorktown 1781
Brit needs Chesapeake Bay to keep Yorktown as NY Clinton leaves for NY. Washington leads Franco-Amer army 16,000 to 3 week battle.French Fleet take control
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Treaty of Paris 1783
Recognition of American Independence. Evacuation of British strongholds.
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Impact of Defeat on Britian
Trade disrupted with Europe and colonies. 1783 national debt £232 million. Industrial revolution
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Card 2


Problem with British Taxation


colonists wanted the tax to be spent locally not on empire

Card 3


Boston Massacre 1717


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Sinking of the tea 1773


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


1773 Tea Act


Preview of the front of card 5
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