botanical gardens

Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
1 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
Free State
2 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
Walter Sisulu
3 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
4 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
Harold Porter
5 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
Karoo Desert
6 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
Kwazulu Natal
7 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
8 of 9
Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.
9 of 9

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Card 2


Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.


Free State

Card 3


Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.


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Card 4


Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Find the names of the botanical gardens in South Africa.


Preview of the front of card 5
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We have a botanical garden in our city. It is my favorite place for an evening walk. It is because I love flowers and have many of them at home. Last year I hired a Landscape Designers. I have a large backyard and wanted to transform it into something special. I wanted a lot of plants and trees. The design was costly to transform in real life, but it was worth it. I enjoy spending my time in the backyard of my house. It is like a small forest in my house's backyard, which is fantastic for a nature lover.



I also worked a lot on the design of my bakcyard

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