Biology AS Unit 1 AQA - Causes of Disease

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 08-01-13 12:36

1. What is a risk?

  • The probability of an event occurring.
  • A measure of the probability that damage to health will occur as a result of a given hazard.
  • The consequence of a certain action.
1 of 6

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2. What is a pathogen?

  • A disease causing micro-organism.
  • A virus causing micro-organism.
  • A fungi causing micro-organism.

3. When a pathogen is transferred from one individual to the other it is is called...

  • Transferring.
  • Transmission.
  • Infection.

4. What are the body's natural defences to pathogens?

  • Layer of skin, mucus layer and enzymes.
  • Enzymes, stomach acid and a mucus layer covering exchange surfaces.
  • Plasters, cotton wool and skin.

5. For a micro-organism to be considered a pathogen it must...

  • Gain entry to the pathogen, colonise the pathogens, resist the defences of the pathogen.
  • Gain entry to the host, colonise the tissues of the host, resist the defences of the host and cause damage to the host tissues.
  • Cause a toxic bacteria.


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