Diet and Metabolic rate

  • Created by: Angelika
  • Created on: 13-11-12 09:47
What are Carbohydrates needed for?
Carbohydrates are needed to release energy
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What are Fats needed for?
Fats are needed to insulate the body and release energy
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What is protein needed for?
Protein is needed to build and repair cells
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what are vitamins and mineral ions needed for?
Vitamins and mineral ions are needed to keep our skin,bones,blood and everything else in general health
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what does your metabolic rate vary on?
Your metabolic rate varies on how much muscle you havce, how active you are and inherited factors
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What happens if you have more muscle than fat?
If you have more muscle than fat then you will need more energy therefore you will have a high metabolic rate
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What happens if you have an active job or if you exercise alot?
You will need more energy therefore you will have a high metabolic rate
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what are inherited factors?
Inherited factors eg your genes can affect your metabolic rate
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What is eating healty involve ?
Eating healthy involves eating the right amounts of food and the right types.
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Why do we need energy in our body?
We need energy to fuel the chemical reactions in the body that keep you alive
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what is metabolic rate?
Metabolic rate is the speed at which the chemical reactions in the body that keep you alive happen
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are Fats needed for?


Fats are needed to insulate the body and release energy

Card 3


What is protein needed for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are vitamins and mineral ions needed for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does your metabolic rate vary on?


Preview of the front of card 5
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