Biology Unit 1

4 features of the lungs
Trachea, Alveoli, Brochi, Inter - costal muscles
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Benedicts Solution
Test For Sugar, Brick red
2 of 44
Biuret Solution
Test for proteins, pink/purple
3 of 44
Causes of emphysema
smoking, air pollution
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Effects of emphysema
shortness of breath, wheezing
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How does bile assist digestion of fats
Neutralises stomach acid, turns large fat droplets into lost of small soluble droplets
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Osmosis Definition
Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane, from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration
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Bile Duct
A tube where the bile is passed through into the small intestine
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Sweeps mucus containing dust and dirt to remove it from the respiratory tract
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3 Enzymes
Lipase, Carbohydrase, Protease
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Word Equation for photosynthesis
Carbon Dioxide + Water -------> Glucose + Oxygen
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Pyramids of numbers/biomass
- Number = Not always pyramid shaped - Biomass = Always pyramid shaped
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6 Parts of the heart
- Left Atrium - Left Ventricle - Right Atrium - Right ventricle - Bicuspid Valve - Semi Lunar Valve
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Why is the Left Ventricle wall thicker than the right?
It pumps blood out to the body
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What are the valves for?
To stop the back flow of blood
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What is the heart made of?
Cardiac Muscle
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Food Webs - Types Of Eaters
Herbivore = Plant Eaters Carnivore = Meat Eaters Omnivores = Plant and Meat Eaters
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Reasons for energy loss in a food chains
- Small percentage of light reaches green plants - Some energy lost in waste materials - Drop in energy accounts for decrease in consumers
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Limiting Factors [TLC]
- Temperature - Light Intensity - Carbon Dioxide Concentration
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Definitions - Aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Aerobic Respiration = Respiring with oxygen Anaerobic Respiration = Shortage/no oxygen
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Oxygen Debt
Oxygen Debt = Lactic Acid + Oxygen -----> Carbon Dioxide + Water
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Uses of glucose made in photosynthesis
- Celluose - Respiration - Oils - Proteins - Starch
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Mitochondria, Where? Why? How?
Where? = In the cytoplasm Why? = Supply energy How? = Reaction between glucose and oxygen
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3 essential plant minerals
- Nitrates - Phosphates - Potassium
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Respiration Word Equations Aerobic (Opposite of Photosynthesis)
Aerobic = Glucose + Oxygen ------> Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP
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Respiration Word Equations Anaerobic
Anaerobic = Glucose ------> Lactic Acid + ATP
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Double Blood Circulation, 2 types
Systemic = Blood to all organs apart from lungs Pulmonary = Blood to lungs
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Parts of an animal cell
- Cell Membrane - Nucleus - Cytoplasm
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Parts of a Plant Cell
- Cell Membrane - Nucleus - Cytoplasm - Chloroplasts - Vacuole - Cell Wall
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Organs of the digestive system, Name 5
- Pancreas - Oesophagus - Stomach - Large Intestine - Small Intestine - Bile Duct - Gall Bladder - Liver - Mouth - Salivary Glands
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What is the difference? Fertiliser and Pesticide
Fertiliser = To feed plants extra essential minerals Pesticide = To kill pests that may destroy plants
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What is the cause of an Atheroma? and what could it do?
A build up of fats in an artery which can result in death
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2 Differences between light microscopes and electron microscopes
Light microscope - used to view human tissue. Electron Microscope - used to view dead cells only
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What is risking tubing and what is its purpose?
It is a semi permeable membrane. The purpose is for it to demonstrate the process of osmosis
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Osmosis Definition
The diffusion of water, through a semi permeable membrane, from a high water concentration to a low water concentration
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Why do red blood cells swell up and burst in pure water?
They have a lower water concentration, so it keeps absorbing water but it cannot diffuse it
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List the parts through which air travels to reach the alveoli
Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles and alveoli
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What are the movements of the ribs and diaphragm when breathing in?
Ribs - In and out. Diaphragm - Flattens
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2 features of the alveoli that enables gaseous exchange
Semi Permeable Membrane and the blood vessels called capillaries are wrapped round each alveoli
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What is the difference between emphysema and lung cancer
Emphysema causes the walls of the alveoli to break down and lung cancer grows a tumour which could block the airways
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Enzyme Definition
A biological catalyst. They can be affected by temperature and pH. When affected, the activated site becomes denatured
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2 differences of red and white blood cells
Red blood cells have a nucleus and white blood cells attack/fight germs
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Why are capillaries important in the human body?
They are important because they are one cell thick which lets substances diffuse through them.
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How do you remove chlorophyll from a leaf?
1) Put in boiling water to kill leaf. 2) Put test tube of ethanol in hot water bath with leaf in. 3) Put leaf back into warm water to soften. 5) Put leaf on a spotting tile and put a few drops of iodine on it.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Test For Sugar, Brick red


Benedicts Solution

Card 3


Test for proteins, pink/purple


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


smoking, air pollution


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


shortness of breath, wheezing


Preview of the back of card 5
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