biology topic B7

what is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the variety of different species of organisms in earth or within an ecosystem.
1 of 12
Why is maintaining biodiversity important for organisms?
Because different species depend on each other for things like shelter.
2 of 12
What can cause pollution in the air?
acidic gasses-sulfur dioxide can cause acidic rain
3 of 12
Why are humans using more resources and producing more waste than in the past?
People around the world are demanding a higher standard of living, therefore people are using more raw materials.
4 of 12
What problems can pollution cause?
Pollution affects water, land nd air and kills plants and animals.
5 of 12
What is global warming?
Increase of the earths average surface temperature due to build up of greenhouse gasses.
6 of 12
Describe the possible consequences of global warming
Higher temperature cause seawater to expand and ice to melt, causing the sea levels to rise.
7 of 12
What can cause pollution in water?
Chemicals used on land. eg. fertilizers
toxic chemicals
8 of 12
What can cause pollution on land?
Nuclear waste underground
Household waste in landfill
9 of 12
How are breeding programs used to maintain biodiversity?
They are where animals are bred in captivity to make sue to species doesn't die.
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What problems does the destruction of peat bogs cause?
It destroys the habitats of some of the animals, plants nd microorganisms that live there, so reduces biodiversity.
11 of 12
Why has large scale deforestation occurred?
To grow crops from which biofuels based on ethanol can be produced.
12 of 12

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Card 2


Why is maintaining biodiversity important for organisms?


Because different species depend on each other for things like shelter.

Card 3


What can cause pollution in the air?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why are humans using more resources and producing more waste than in the past?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What problems can pollution cause?


Preview of the front of card 5
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