Biology November Exam Revision

What is a pathogen?
A microorganism that cause disease
1 of 57
What are the three plant organs?
Leaf, Stem, Roots
2 of 57
What are the two vascular tissues in plants?
Xylem and Phloem
3 of 57
What is the function of the waxy layer/cuticle?
Prevents water loss
4 of 57
Why do guard cells close?
To reduce water loss
5 of 57
What are the two types of mesophyll in a leaf?
spongy and palisade
6 of 57
What does the xylem transport?
Water and mineral ions
7 of 57
What does the phloem transport?
8 of 57
What is transpiration?
The movement/loss of water from the plant
9 of 57
What is translocation?
The movement of sugars up and down the plant
10 of 57
Define: Metastasise
The uncontrollable reproduction of cancerous cells
11 of 57
Define: Benign tumour
A tumour coffined in one space that doesn't affect other areas of the body but can still grow quickly
12 of 57
Define: Malignant tumour
A tumour that spreads around the body through the blood or lymphatic system invading neighbouring tissues
13 of 57
Name 3 causes of cancer:
Ionising radiation, UV rays and Carcinogens
14 of 57
Name 3 treatments to cancer:
Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy
15 of 57
A ----------------------- can trigger immune cells to destroy pathogen cancer cells and block cancer cells from growing or transport drugs and radioactive substance to cancer cells. Fill in the blank:
Monoclonal antibodies
16 of 57
What can a fetus develop if the mother drinks whilst pregnant:
Fetus Alcohol Syndrome
17 of 57
Alcohol is a drug that affects --------- and ----------. Fill in the blanks:
Brain and Liver
18 of 57
Non communicable disease can not be spread from person to person. True or false?
19 of 57
Communicable disease can be spread from person to person. True or false?
20 of 57
There are 4 types of communicable pathogens. These are:
Bacteria, Protist, Fungus and Virus
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Name two bacterial communicable diseases:
Salmonella and Gonorrhoea
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What are the symptoms of Gonorrhoea?
Thick yellow or green discharge and pain whilst urinating
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Malaria is a ----------- communicable disease. Fill in the blank:
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What are symptoms of malaria?
High temperature, sweats/chills, stomach pain & yellow skin
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How is rose black spot transmitted?
Released by spores and travels in rain drops
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How is Malaria spread?
By female Mosquitoes
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How is HIV spread?
By direct sexual contact or by the exchange of bodily fluids
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HIV affects your ---------------------. Fill in the blanks
Immune system
29 of 57
Symptoms of TMV are?
Patterns on leaves and stunted growth on plant
30 of 57
name 3 ways that pathogens are spread:
Air, Water, Direct contact
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Name 4 ways we can limit the spread of pathogens:
Social distancing, wearing a mask, personal hygiene, cleaning spaces
32 of 57
What is tested for in a pre clinical trial, were is it tested, by who and what on?
The efficiency and toxicity, tested in a lab by scientists on lab rats
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In the first section of a clinical trial the drug is tested on healthy volunteers to test the toxicity. True or false?
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Why is the efficiency tested in a clinical trial using a double blind test and placebos?
So that there is no bias
35 of 57
A state of physical and mental wellbeing
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Name the 6 stages of making monoclonal antibodies:
1. Inject mouse with antigen 2. Mouse produces WBC with antibodies and lymphocytes 3.Lymphocytes are taken out of mouse 4.Lymphocytes are fused with tumour cells 5.Hybrodoma cells multiply 6. Antibodies are taken out of lymphocytes and purified
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What is photosynthesis?
The transferring of light energy into chemical energy
38 of 57
What is the site of photosynthesis?
Chloroplasts in the leaves
39 of 57
What is the chemical energy in photosynthesis?
40 of 57
What is the word equation for photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide + Water -> Glucose + Oxygen
41 of 57
What is the symbol equation for photosynthesis?
42 of 57
What does the plant need to photosynthesis?
Water and carbon dioxide
43 of 57
What are the 4 factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis?
Light, Chlorophyll, Carbon dioxide, Temperature
44 of 57
Name 5 ways that glucose is used in the plant:
Used in respiration, Converted into sucrose, Converted into fats and oils, converted into starch, combines with nitrates
45 of 57
What is injected into a person during a vaccination?
A dead or inactive pathogen
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Why is a dead or inactive pathogen injected into a person during a vaccination?
To trigger an immune response to create antibodies that woudl fight the antigen if the person were to get the disease but the vaccination wont make them sick.
47 of 57
What do painkillers do?
They treat the symptoms of pathogens but don't kill them
48 of 57
What do antibiotics do?
They kill bacteria pathogens
49 of 57
What are nonspecific defence systems against pathogens in our bodies?
Skin- Waterproof stops pathogens from entering
Nose- Mucus and hairs to catch pathogens
Cilia- Hairs in the trachea with mucus to catch and sweep out the pathogens
Stomach acid- Will destroy pathogens that have entered the body through food and drink
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What are the two types of white blood cells?
Lymphocytes and Phagocytes
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What do phagocytes do?
Engulf and digest pathogens
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What do Lymphocytes do?
Release antitoxins and antibodies that neutralise and destroy toxins and pathogens
53 of 57
What practical do you carry out to test the rate that light intensity affects photosynthesis?
Pondweed practical
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What are the control variables of the pondweed practical?
amount of carbon dioxide, The temperature and the piece of pondweed
55 of 57
What is the independent variable of the pondweed practical?
The distance of the light from the beaker
56 of 57
What is the dependent variable of the pondweed practical?
The number of oxygen bubble given of
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the three plant organs?


Leaf, Stem, Roots

Card 3


What are the two vascular tissues in plants?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the function of the waxy layer/cuticle?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why do guard cells close?


Preview of the front of card 5
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