Biology - Cancer

__ is when one cell is copied into two.
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When does it occur the most?
During growth and repair (after injury)
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Mitosis is tightly controlled. __ in nucleus tell cells when to divide and when it stop
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If changes take place in genes, what can it cause?
Uncontrolled growth + mitosis
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What would this produce?
Tumour (growth)
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What are the two types of tumours?
Benign ans Malignant
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Which tumor cell is classed as a cancer?
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___ are growths of abnormal cells found in one area (stay in one place + contained in membrane)
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___ invade near by tissues + move into blood, spreading through body and forming more tumours (secondary tumours)
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Some cancer is genetic, meaning...
We inherit risk of cancer from parents
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What are some examples of these?
Certain types of breast cancer, prostate cancer, cancer of large intestine
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Other cancer is linked to lifestyle. What is lung cancer linked to?
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What's skin cancer linked to?
Exposure to ultraviolet light (sunbathing)
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What's thorat/mouth cancer linked to?
Drinking alcohol
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Some cancer is caused by substances in environmental. Radon is a good example. What is Radon?
Radioactive gas
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Radon increases risk of getting __ cancer
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Why is this?
Radon releases ionising radiation that damages DNA in cells, leading to uncontrolled mitosis, leading to cancer
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What does interphase mean?
Cells are doing their normal functions (replicating their DNA, growing) instead of dividing (mitosis stage)
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Cells are in interphase most the time. Why is it a bad thing if cells are constantly dividing (mitosis)?
Means they're not carrying out their functions.
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What does apoptosis mean?
A cell destroys self as it isn't working correctly (e.g. uncontrolled growth)
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Cancer cells are cells that are constantly doing ___ and not self destructing like they should
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This means they can grow into...
Tomours (mass of cancer cells)
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Explain how chemotherapy help with cancer?
Tagets cells that are going through cell cycle quickly + hit mitosis quickly (cancer cells - fast growing cells)
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Why do people lose their hair because of this?
You hair is a fast growing cell so it is also targeted through chemotherapy
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During cell cycle there're checkpoints that regulate cells and if the cell is damaged....
Keeps it from continuing on if it's damaged
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___ cells, however, do not follow this rule as they are out of control
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Cancer cells can secrete their own growth hormone. Why is this such a bad thing?
It means the blood vessels will divert over to cancer cells + provide nutrients they need to keep growing out of control
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What are the two stages cells can be in?
Mitosis and interphase
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When does it occur the most?


During growth and repair (after injury)

Card 3


Mitosis is tightly controlled. __ in nucleus tell cells when to divide and when it stop


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If changes take place in genes, what can it cause?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What would this produce?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




yay full marks on crossword!! so helpful 

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