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  • Liver
    • Alcohol
      • Nervous System
        • As a result of high doses : lack of self-control and lack of judgement. Unconsciousness,  coma and death are other symptoms.
        • As a result of low doses: people feel relaxed or cheerful and have reduced inhibitions.
        • Brain
          • The developing liver cannot cope with alcohol, so the development of the brain and body can be badly affected.
            • Liver
              • Alcohol
                • Nervous System
                  • As a result of high doses : lack of self-control and lack of judgement. Unconsciousness,  coma and death are other symptoms.
                  • As a result of low doses: people feel relaxed or cheerful and have reduced inhibitions.
                  • Brain
                    • The developing liver cannot cope with alcohol, so the development of the brain and body can be badly affected.
                      • A long term effect of alcohol on the brain is that it becomes soft and pulpy so the brain structures are lost. This means that the brain can no longer function so can cause death.
                  • Pregnancy
                    • Alcohol will pass across the placenta into the developing baby
                    • Toxic
                      • Alcohol is   a common social  drug that people can become addictive to. An addiction is when a drug influences the body to think that the drug is needed.  It is poisonous, and a toxin but the liver can usually remove it before permanent damage or death occurs.
                    • Cancer
                      • Heavy drinkers are at an increased risk of developing liver cancer. This is a malignant tumour so can spread rapidly and is difficult to treat because of the risk of damaging healthy cells is so common.
                    • Cirrhosis of the liver: This is a disease that destroys the liver tissue.
                      • An effect of this is that the active liver cells are replaced with scar tissues that cannot carry out vital functions.
                • A long term effect of alcohol on the brain is that it becomes soft and pulpy so the brain structures are lost. This means that the brain can no longer function so can cause death.
            • Pregnancy
              • Alcohol will pass across the placenta into the developing baby
              • Toxic
                • Alcohol is   a common social  drug that people can become addictive to. An addiction is when a drug influences the body to think that the drug is needed.  It is poisonous, and a toxin but the liver can usually remove it before permanent damage or death occurs.
              • Cancer
                • Heavy drinkers are at an increased risk of developing liver cancer. This is a malignant tumour so can spread rapidly and is difficult to treat because of the risk of damaging healthy cells is so common.
              • Cirrhosis of the liver: This is a disease that destroys the liver tissue.
                • An effect of this is that the active liver cells are replaced with scar tissues that cannot carry out vital functions.


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