
the process by which organisms obtain energy to maintain life functions and matter to create and maintain structure.
1 of 15
These organisms synthesise their own complex organic molecules from simpler molecules using either light or chemical energy.
Autrophic Organisms
2 of 15
These organisms cannot produce their own organic molecules and so consume complex organic molecules from other organisms.
Heterophobic Organisms
3 of 15
These organisms have specialised digestive systems in which they ingest food, digest it and egest any indigestible remains.
Holozoic Nutrition
4 of 15
They feed on dead or decaying organic material and do not have specialized digestive systems.
Saprotropic Nutrition
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microscopic saprotrophs that play an important role in decaying leaf litter and recycling nutrients such as nitrogen
6 of 15
the breakdown of large insoluble molecules into soluble molecules to be absorbed into the blood.
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the passage of small soluble molecules and ions through the gut wall into the blood.
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wave of muscular contractions and relaxations of the gut wall which propel the contents along the whole length of the gut.
9 of 15
What Receives pancreatic juice from the pancreas and bile from the gall bladder. Chemical digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins by enzymes
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Where chemical digestion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins by enzymes. Absorption of digested food happen?
11 of 15
What is a watery secretion containing: Amylase , HCO3- and CO32- ions which creates an optimum pH for amylase
12 of 15
What is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder and neutralises the food from the stomach
13 of 15
what word is used to describe when the rabbit ingests faecal pellets so that the material passes through the gut twice to increase efficiency of digestion.
14 of 15
organisms that live on (ectoparasites) or in (endoparasites) another organism, called the host, and often obtain nourishment at the expense of the host
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Card 2


These organisms synthesise their own complex organic molecules from simpler molecules using either light or chemical energy.


Autrophic Organisms

Card 3


These organisms cannot produce their own organic molecules and so consume complex organic molecules from other organisms.


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Card 4


These organisms have specialised digestive systems in which they ingest food, digest it and egest any indigestible remains.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


They feed on dead or decaying organic material and do not have specialized digestive systems.


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