Biology 1 topic 1

  • Created by: emz_may
  • Created on: 06-03-16 15:01
What are the characteristics of an organism in the animal kingdom?
Animals are heterotrophs, and are multicellular but don't have a cell wall or chlorophyll.
1 of 20
What characteristics do organisms in the Chordata phylum have in common?
They have a supporting rod-like structure (backbone).
2 of 20
What does oviparous mean?
Oviparous is when animals lay eggs to reproduce.
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Define the term species?
A species is a group of living organisms that can interbreed to produce fertile young and have similar characteristics.
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What is the name of offspring from two different species?
A hybrid. (Liger = lion and tiger)
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What two things cause variation?
Genes and the environment.
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What is continuous variation?
Continuous variation is when there is variation within a species in a certain range.
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What is discontinuous variation?
Discontinuous variation is when variation in a species is split into certain groups e.g. blood type.
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Give two ways deep sea fish have adapted to their habitat.
1, Some fish emit light. 2, Some have huge mouths. 3, Some have huge eyes and long feelers.
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Give two ways polar bears have adapted to the polar regions.
1, They have a small surface area to reduce heat loss. 2, They have thick fur and blubber to trap air.
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Give three ways the scientific community validate evidence.
1, Scientific journals 2, Peer reviews 3, Scientific conferences.
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What is speciation?
Speciation is when two organisms in the same species become so genetically different they can no longer produce fertile offspring.
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How many pairs of chromosomes does a human cell nucleus contain?
23 pairs.
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What is an allele?
An allele is two or more versions of the same genes.
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What does it mean by a heterozygous organism?
A heterozygous organism is when an organism has two alleles that are different.
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What does it mean by a homozygous organism?
a homozygous organism is when an organism has two alleles of the same gene.
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What is the difference between a dominant and a recessive allele?
A dominant allele is the one that physically appears, a recessive allele doesn't.
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What are the symptoms of cystic fibrosis?
Breathing difficulties, lung infections, malnutrition and fertility issues.
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What are the symptoms of sickle-cell anaemia?
Tiredness, painful joints and muscles, fever and anaemia.
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Is the allele for Sickle-cell anaemia dominant or recessive?
Recessive, as genetic disorders are cause by faulty recessive alleles.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What characteristics do organisms in the Chordata phylum have in common?


They have a supporting rod-like structure (backbone).

Card 3


What does oviparous mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define the term species?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the name of offspring from two different species?


Preview of the front of card 5
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