Biological Technologies

DNA isolated from white blood cells is often used to test for genetic diseases. What is this process called?
DNA Sample
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Why are DNA samples useful?
They are quick and easy. And it contains a lot of white blood cells
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To identify a faulty gene you can produce a gene probe. What is a gene probe?
A strand of bases that's complementary to the faulty gene you are looking for
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How do you use the gene probe?
It is mixed with the DNA. If the gene is present the probe will stick to it - their bases will lock together perfectly
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What is nanotechnology?
Its a new technology that uses tiny structures that are the size of some molecules
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Nanotechnology can make food last longer. What is an example of this?
By adding clay nanoparticles to plastic makes the packaging better at keeping out oxygen and moisture.
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Some packaging uses nanoparticles to change the packaging's properties depending on the conditions. What is an example of this?
A milk carton could be made to change colour when the milk goes off.
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What can stem cells be used for?
Growing new tissues and organs, to treat illnesses or for transplants
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Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow. How do stem cells help this?
Bone marrow transplants can be used to replace the faulty bone marrow. Bone marrow contains stem cells that can become specialised to form any type of blood cell. The transplanted bone marrow produce healthy blood cells.
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What can stem cells be used for in the future?
Treat spinal cord injuries by replacing damaged nerve tissue
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What is biomedical engineering used for?
To improve human health - this includes creating replacement body parts.
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The heart has a group of cells which determine how fast it betas. What happens if they stop working?
The heart beat can become irregular, and this can be dangerous
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How can this be treated by biomedical engineering?
The cells can be replaced with an artificial device called a pacemaker. It's implanted under the skin and produces an electric current to control the heartbeat
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Faulty heart valves can also be replaced. With what?
Animal or mechanical valves
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why are DNA samples useful?


They are quick and easy. And it contains a lot of white blood cells

Card 3


To identify a faulty gene you can produce a gene probe. What is a gene probe?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do you use the gene probe?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is nanotechnology?


Preview of the front of card 5
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