
  • Created by: dionnej13
  • Created on: 14-10-16 18:23

1. which of the following things are benificial to microorganisms in the biofilm?

  • antimicrobials can only penetrate the surface of the biofilm
  • all answers are correct
  • they can share nutrients
  • gene transfer is promoted
  • aerobic species live on the outside and anaerobic on the inside
1 of 20

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2. What may be competition for binding sites in biofilm adhesion?

  • Host tissue
  • Inflammatory cells
  • Proteins
  • Other microorganisms

3. When grown with Pseudamonas, Monocytogenes adhered to a glass surface, ______ than when alone

  • Better
  • Worse

4. Which can remove a biofilm after the bacteria complexes with a surface?

  • scraping, scrubbing, chemicals
  • chemicals and rinsing
  • rinsing
  • boiling water and scrubbing

5. the use of broad spectrum antibiotics leads to...

  • all of the answers are correct
  • gene transfer
  • resitance
  • penetration of top layer


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