Binary Fission

Binary Fission
This is a type of simple cell division which is how prokaryotic cells reproduce. the cell splits in two.
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Stage 1
The circular DNA and plasmid(s) replicate.
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Stage 2
The cell gets bigger and the circular DNA strands move to opposite poles of the cells.
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Stage 3
The cytoplasm begins to divide and new cell walls begins to form.
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Stage 4
The cytoplasm divides and two daughter cells are produced. Each daughter cell has one copy of the circular DNA, but can have a variable number of copies of the plasmid(s).
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Rate of Binary Fission (Bacteria)
Bacteria can divide very quickly if given the right conditions. In these conditions, some bacteria such as E. coli can take as little as 20 minutes in the right conditions. If conditions become unfavourable, the cells will stop dividing and die.
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Card 2


The circular DNA and plasmid(s) replicate.


Stage 1

Card 3


The cell gets bigger and the circular DNA strands move to opposite poles of the cells.


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Card 4


The cytoplasm begins to divide and new cell walls begins to form.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The cytoplasm divides and two daughter cells are produced. Each daughter cell has one copy of the circular DNA, but can have a variable number of copies of the plasmid(s).


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