AQA Biology - Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases

  • Created by: ncliffe
  • Created on: 23-05-17 16:38
What increases you risk of getting type 2 diabetes? List three factors (3 marks)
Any of the following: age, blood pressure, weight or genetics
1 of 6
How do bacteria reproduce? (2 marks)
Bacteria reproduce by the process of binary fission. Binary fission is when bacteria duplicate their DNA and divide.
2 of 6
What does pasteurisation mean? (1 mark)
Pasteurisation is a process that kills off pathogens in food or drink.
3 of 6
What does alcohol do to your body if you drink too much? (2 marks)
Alcohol reduces your concentration levels so that you feel drowsy and tired. This will also increase your reaction time, making you less aware of what is going on.
4 of 6
If you drank alcohol when pregnant, what would happen to your baby? (3 marks)
The baby would have permanent brain dammage, affecting their concentration and memory. The baby's facial features would also have been changed. For example, the his/her nose will be smaller than usual.
5 of 6
How and why is antibiotic resistance caused? (2 marks)
Antibiotic resistance is caused when your immune system of drugs are unable to fight a disease. This is because the pathogens, causing the disease, are evolving all the time.
6 of 6

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Card 2


How do bacteria reproduce? (2 marks)


Bacteria reproduce by the process of binary fission. Binary fission is when bacteria duplicate their DNA and divide.

Card 3


What does pasteurisation mean? (1 mark)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does alcohol do to your body if you drink too much? (2 marks)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


If you drank alcohol when pregnant, what would happen to your baby? (3 marks)


Preview of the front of card 5
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