Biology - Kidneys (+osmoregulation)

what is osmoregulation? (osmo - osmosis - water...) - its an example of homeostasis (maintenance of optimum internal conditions)
control of water / mineral ion balance in body
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why do cells need correct balance of water?
water maintains cells shape, allows molecules to move around to carry out functions, if cells gain/loss too much water by osmosis then they don't function efficiently and can be damaged
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What do kidneys do?
remove waste products from blood (e.g urea), maintain water/mineral ion balance by removing excess
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they kidneys are example of ways we can control water loss/gain, however there are ways we can't control it, such as breathing. how do we lose water through breathing?
when we breathe out, moist air leaves lungs - no control over breathing so its uncontrolled water loss
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sweating is also an example. why?
water, mineral ions, urea lost through skin as sweat - no control over
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If your body has too little water, the kidneys c__ water (less urine)
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If too much water, kidneys try to remove excess, meaning body produces d___ urine
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Mineral ions are removed and excreted in __
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Blood is f___ as it passes through kidneys
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Some of these substances will move out __ and into __ tissue (through a partially permeable membrane)
out blood. into kidney tissue
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List the sustenance that will move out blood
Glucose, Urea, water, mineral ions
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Some molecules are too big so don't move into tissue. Such as...
blood cells, large proteins
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Useful substances body needs then reabsorbed into blood. This stage is called...
selective absorption
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What will be reabsorbed?
Glucose, right amount of water, some(useful) ions
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excess amino acids are left from digestion of protein. body can't store amino acids for later use so body needs to get rid of them. to do this, firstly, in liver, amino acids broken down to form ___
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ammonia is then converted to urea. why?
because ammonia is toxic.
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urea is also toxic. why is it still converted?
unlike ammonia, body can safely get rid of urea
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how is urea transported out body? (blood - kidneys - urine)
transported to kidneys by blood. kidneys filter it out of blood to be excreted in urine safely
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


why do cells need correct balance of water?


water maintains cells shape, allows molecules to move around to carry out functions, if cells gain/loss too much water by osmosis then they don't function efficiently and can be damaged

Card 3


What do kidneys do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


they kidneys are example of ways we can control water loss/gain, however there are ways we can't control it, such as breathing. how do we lose water through breathing?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


sweating is also an example. why?


Preview of the front of card 5
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