Behaviourist approach Ao1 and Ao3

  • Created by: __Jess
  • Created on: 27-02-23 19:23
What is the core belief of behaviourism?
All behaviours are learned
1 of 18
What studies are used by behaviourists?
2 of 18
What are the two important forms of learning?
1) Classical conditioning
2) Operant conditioning
3 of 18
What is classical conditioning?
Learning by association
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What is operant conditioning?
A form of learning in which behaviour is shaped and maintained by it's consequences
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Who studied classical conditioning?
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Who studied operant conditioning?
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What was Pavlov's research?
He paired the neutral stimulus (bell) with the unconditioned stimulus (food), to create a conditioned response (salivation). The unconditioned stimulus then became a conditioned stimulus.
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What are the three consequences in operant conditioning?
1) Positive reinforcement
2) Negative reinforcement
3) Punishment
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What is positive reinforcement?
Receiving a reward when a certain behaviour is performed
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What is negative reinforcement?
The avoidance of something unpleasant
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What is punishment?
An unpleasant consequence of behaviour
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What is the Skinner box?
A box used by Skinner, in which he placed a rat. Every time the rat activated a lever, it was rewarded with food. From then on, the rat would repeat this behaviour
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How does the behaviourist approach have scientific credibility? (Strength)
It is based off of highly controlled lab research
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How is the behaviourist approach reductionist? (Weakness)
It ignores SLT and the cognitive approach
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How has the behaviourist approach be applied to the real world? (Strength)
Operant conditioning has been the basis for token economies. Classical conditioning has helped treat phobias
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How is the behaviourist approach environmentally determinist? (Weakness)
It assumes that our past conditioning history will determine the outcome
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How is Skinner's research unethical? (Weakness)
The conditions in which the animals were kept was cramped, and the animals were purposefully underfed
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What studies are used by behaviourists?



Card 3


What are the two important forms of learning?


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Card 4


What is classical conditioning?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is operant conditioning?


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