Beh exp, characteristics and treatments

  • Created by: BronwynY
  • Created on: 29-07-21 14:20
"uncontrollable, extreme, irrational + enduring fears that are out of proportion to the actual risk"
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Emotional characteristics
- excessive fear
- unreasonable responses
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Behavioural characteristics
- Panic
- Avoidance
- Endurance
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Cognitive characteristics
- Distorted perceptions
- Recognition of the exaggerated anxiety
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Two-process model as an explanation for developing and maintaining phobias? Mowrer
CC- we develop phobias through associating an anxiety provoking UCS with a previously NS to elicit a CR of fear

OC- how we maintain phobias. The CS evokes fear, and when we avoid this phobic object/situation, the anxiety feeling lessens, which is reward
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AO3- +ve of two process model
+ Little Albert (W+R)
- shows how CC can lead to the development of phobias

- If we know how one developed a phobia then it helps us to devise treatments to get rid of the phobias
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AO3 +ve for beh exp (2PM)
CC - Little Albert (W+R 1920)
- used classical conditioning to create a phobia in an infant called Little Albert. Albert developed a phobia of a white rat when he learned to associate the rat with a loud noise.
- Empirical evidence to show how CC leads t
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- the role of cognition is overlooked
- Tomarken et al (1989)
- presented a series of slides of snake and neutral images (e.g. trees) to phobic and non-phobic pps. - The phobics tended to overestimate the number of snake images presented.
- Cog argue that the thinking processes that occur bet
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- not everyone develops phobias as a result of CC

Di Gallo
- In theory anyone can develop a phobia from any harmful object, however this doesn't always happen.

- Like despite the fact the most adults have either seen, experienced or heard about car accidents were another person is injured, phobia of cars is virt
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- Biological?

Seligman (1970)
- suggests that humans have a biological preparedness to develop certain phobias rather than others
- as they may have served an evolutionary purpose for our ancestors.
-E.g. individuals that avoided snakes and high places would be more li
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Emotional characteristics


- excessive fear
- unreasonable responses

Card 3


Behavioural characteristics


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Cognitive characteristics


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Two-process model as an explanation for developing and maintaining phobias? Mowrer


Preview of the front of card 5
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