Basic Water Pollution

What is pollution?
the presence or introduction of substances into the environment with harmful/toxic effects
1 of 10
What comprises every pollution event?
A pollutant, it's source, transport medium, and a target
2 of 10
What pollution source has no specific point of discharge?
Diffuse pollution
3 of 10
What is point source pollution? Give an example
Pollution coming from a single identifiable source. Examples include - sewage effluent pipes, domestic WW, industrial factories etc.
4 of 10
What are pollution properties divided into?
Effect-generating and pathway-determining
5 of 10
How does pollution in water disperse?
Via advection and diffusion
6 of 10
What is the vertical movement of water pollution restricted by?
Depth and stratification
7 of 10
What does air pollution transport depend on?
Height travelled in the atmosphere, particle size, and climatic factors
8 of 10
Which direction dispersion is most commonly seen in the air?
Horizontal - less restricted than vertical, more rapid, wind turbulence aids dispersion
9 of 10
What does soil pollution movement depend on?
Composition and structure of the soil, and the properties of the pollutant
10 of 10

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Card 2


What comprises every pollution event?


A pollutant, it's source, transport medium, and a target

Card 3


What pollution source has no specific point of discharge?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is point source pollution? Give an example


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are pollution properties divided into?


Preview of the front of card 5
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