bamberg witchtrials

  • Created by: riri33
  • Created on: 10-11-19 19:31
what year was the bamberg witch trials?
1 of 9
what was the 1548 act which affect religion in hre?
a ruler of a region could decide the religion of that region
2 of 9
what year was the Cardina Law Code and what did it state?
1532: justice was a local matter
3 of 9
what war was occuring at the time of the bamberg trials?
the thirty year war
4 of 9
what year did martin luther protest againest the catholic church?
5 of 9
what lead to the belief that witches were all around us?
the reformation and counter-reformation
6 of 9
what factor lead to an increase in prosecutions in a certain area?
7 of 9
what ordinance did the prince-bishop of bamberg issue?
punished anyone practicising magic
8 of 9
what makes bamberg different from the other trials?
royals and nobles were accused of witchcraft and burnt at the stake
9 of 9

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Card 2


what was the 1548 act which affect religion in hre?


a ruler of a region could decide the religion of that region

Card 3


what year was the Cardina Law Code and what did it state?


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Card 4


what war was occuring at the time of the bamberg trials?


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Card 5


what year did martin luther protest againest the catholic church?


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