Bamberg Witch Craze

What was significant about the town of Zeil?
There was a mural there which shows the Catholic Church victorious over Protestant heretics. Protestant women languished as witches.
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Which methods did von Aschhausen use to force the conversion of Protestants to Catholics?
1) Fines imposed on Protestant parishes. 2) Supplies to Protestant parishes were restricted. 3) Catholic troops quartered in Protestant villages. 4) Lutherans targeted and arrested.
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How many witches did von Aschhausen have executed?
Around 300, as well as throwing nonconformist priests into a prison called the 'Priests' Vault'.
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What happened in 1610?
von Aschhausen passed a new ordinance concerning witchcraft; any person found practising magic would be punished.
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What was the economic effect of the Thirty Years' War?
Famine incurred as soldiers requisitioned food and supplies, and young men and boys were forcibly conscripted.
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Who was targeted by the Catholics in Bamberg?
1) Women whose sexual activities and political views were unsanctioned by the Church. 2) People who had an existing reputation for fortune telling or healing. 3) The Upper Class; witch finders were able to earn money from property confiscation.
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When was Lorentz Seebauer's wife on trial?
1629; she was accused of suggesting a frost should ruin the harvest.
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What was significant about 1629?
Witch trials in Bamberg peaked, as well as a frost destroying the wine crop.
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What did debts from the war amount to?
Around 800,000 florins by its' end. In response, the authorities levied higher taxes.
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What was significant about the gold florin?
Its gold content was 79% in the early 15th century and it was 77% in 1626. The drop in currency value caused inflation.
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What was the result of coin clipping?
Margaretha Eissmennin admitted that after coin clipping, money had lost its value and she was forced to turn to the Devil.
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How many people were implicated in Bamberg between 1623 and 1632?
From 600 to 900; 72% were women.
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How many households were accused of witchcraft along the Lange Gasse?
17; all of them from well-respected backgrounds.
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What began to happen in 1628?
Officials in Bamberg examined the records of those who failed to recieve Catholic communion. Some people converted reluctantly and some fled Bamberg.
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Who was Georg Hann?
Cathedral chancellor who questioned the trials- arrested following the execution of his wife and daughter in 1628.
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Who was Conrad Orter?
A senior town councillor in Zeil, executed in November 1626. By 1629, his family was wiped out.
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What was the Carolina Law Code of 1532?
Allowed the use of torture in witch trials. Torture methods included: 1) thumbscrews 2) whipping 3) burning a woman's hair 4) suspects deprived of water 5) ****
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Why was John Junius significant?
The mayor of Bamberg arrested in 1628 and condemned after his wife was executed. Experienced brutal torture. Claimed in a letter to his daughter that he had only confessed because of torture.
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How much money was confiscated and how in April 1631?
500,000 florins in property confiscation. Victims also had to pay for lawyer, blacksmiths and even executioners.
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What was the Drudenhaus?
A witch prison built by von Dornheim in 1627 that contained 30 to 40 suspects.
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What did Frederick Forner preach?
1) Calvinist preachers spread lies about Catholic clergy. 2) Protestantism was responsible for the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War. 3) Witches and Protestants undermined the teachings of Catholicism.
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What happened in 1630?
Dorothea Flock was arrested, along with her newborn. Her family appealed to Ferdinand, who sent a letter to von Dornheim demanding she be released. The Pope also intervened. von Dornheim rushed Flock's trial through and she was executed in May.
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What was unfair about Flock's trial?
1) She was unable to hire a lawyer because the trial was conducted in secret. 2) Confessions under torture could only be submitted with other evidence. This was not the case.
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What happened in August 1630?
Ferdinand wrote to von Dornheim and demanded von Dornheim send him the trial records. von Dornheim sent copies.
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What happened in March 1631?
A minimum of 25 people had been arrested in the meantime.
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Who was Georg Wilhelm Dulmer?
A former administrator of St. Martin's Church in Bamberg. Challenged the validity of the witch trials.
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What did Dulmer write in his letter?
1) No sufficient proof to find suspects guilty. 2) Several hundred people suffered as a result of torture. 3) August 1628; a pregnant wife had been arrested and tortured and had subsequently miscarried.
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What happened in June 1631?
Ferdinand appointed a new director of the witch-commission; Dr. Anton Winter; more liberal. 2) Decreed that property confiscation was forbidden. However, von Dornheim remained in Bamberg.
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What happened when the Swedish invaded in February 1632?
They took over administration and von Dornheim was forced to flee.
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How did von Dornheim flee?
Looted the cathedral's treasure; including 12 chests of gold and fled to Austria.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Which methods did von Aschhausen use to force the conversion of Protestants to Catholics?


1) Fines imposed on Protestant parishes. 2) Supplies to Protestant parishes were restricted. 3) Catholic troops quartered in Protestant villages. 4) Lutherans targeted and arrested.

Card 3


How many witches did von Aschhausen have executed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happened in 1610?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the economic effect of the Thirty Years' War?


Preview of the front of card 5
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