B1 Pathogens and Infections

What are pathogens?
Microorganisms that cause disease
1 of 11
Viruses reproduce inside a body cell and do what?
destroy it when they burst out, then they invade other cells.
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What does bacteria do that makes us ill?
produce toxins inside the body
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What do anti toxins do?
They neutralise the toxins that bacteria produce.
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Why can't antibiuotics be used to kill viruses?
As it is hard to kill the virus in the cell without damaging the bodys tissue.
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whats a pandemic?
when a disease affects a whole country or goes worldwide
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whats an epidemic?
when a wide spread of people suffer from a disease
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when do new infectious diseases appear?
when mutations occur in bacteria or viruses
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what three things do white blood cells do to defend the body?
1) ingest pathogens 2) produce antibodies to destroy pathogens 3)produce antitoxins that neutralise the toxins released by pathogens
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what are antibiotics?
drugs that kill bacteria inside your body without killing your own cells.
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hwo do bacteria become resistant to antibiotics?
by natural selection
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Card 2


Viruses reproduce inside a body cell and do what?


destroy it when they burst out, then they invade other cells.

Card 3


What does bacteria do that makes us ill?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do anti toxins do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why can't antibiuotics be used to kill viruses?


Preview of the front of card 5
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