
  • Created by: okafor321
  • Created on: 10-05-17 18:16
What are neurones?
specially adapted cells which carries a nerve impulse.
1 of 16
Name the features of a motor neurone?
elongated shape - insulating sheath - branched endings.
2 of 16
What is a synapse?
a small gap between neurones.
3 of 16
What makes up the nervous system?
receptors - sensory neurone - relay neurone - spinal cord - brain - motor neurone - effector
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What is a stimuli?
It detects changes in their environment using receptors which are specialised nerve endingd.
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What are effectors?
the muscles or glands that make the response to the signal from receptor.
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What is the importance of the lens?
focuses light on retina
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What is the importance of the iris?
Controls amount of light entering the eye.
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What is the importance of the cornea?
refracts light.
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What is the importance of the retina
contains receptor cells, light-sensitive.
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What is the importance of the blind spot?
portion of retina, has no light sensitive cells.
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What is the importance of the pupil?
made bigger or smaller by iris.
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What is the importance of the optic nerve?
carries impulses via sensory neurone to brain.
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What does a convex do?
coverges light rays from close objects so they focus o retina.
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What does a concave do?
diverges light rays so they focus on retina.
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What is the difference between binocular and monocular vision?
Binocular vision: eyes in front of head, looking at the same thing - judge distance. Monocular vision:eyes on side of head, looking at differet things - can't judge distance.
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name the features of a motor neurone?


elongated shape - insulating sheath - branched endings.

Card 3


What is a synapse?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What makes up the nervous system?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a stimuli?


Preview of the front of card 5
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